Canuck earned a small silver star for having the elements (other, one) and an answer, but it wasn't the answer I was looking for. So it is technically unsolved. My answer also has three words.
The order of the photos is key.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
@JwRosenthal admits to buying THREE sheets to the wind, but not TWO sheets to the wind.
@JwRosenthal admits to buying THREE sheets to the wind, but not TWO sheets to the wind.
Chrysler Building, New York, opens May 1, 1931. The tallest brick building with a steel armature in the world (for11 months.)
Evelyn McHale commits suicide by jumping from the86th floor of the Empire State Building, May 1, 1947. “The Most Beautiful Suicide”.
Category… A quote and the person who said it. Your clue…
Q: To be or not to be?
A: There can be no doubt!
And this one is as yet unsolved…
And this one is as yet unsolved…