Sure, here is a picture with the band to the tightest setting. If I measured correctly, it’s 15,5cm.
Every hole stands roughly for 1cm in circumference, so the band should fit from 15,5cm to 21,5cm. I have 17,5cm and use hole 3 (from the smallest).
When the watch was in stock at the omega website you get the chance to put your wrist size in when you order. I assume if you order direct they may chop off a bit of the extra to limit the extra strap under the bracelet.
Hello all!
I just picked up the NTTD Seamaster on NATO from my local OB. I was lucky as they had a watch that someone decided they didn’t want anymore. This is my first Ti watch and I have to say I am impressed. I am now looking to part ways with my Seamaster 300 OHMSS LE to make space!