My previous post

My previous post on this topic has touched a raw nerve somewhere as the thread has been deleted.
Thanks to those who did reply anyway.
I deleted it because you're joining various watch forums and copy-pasting the exact same message.
It wasn't a raw nerve. It was the same repetitive story everywhere. You could get a soap box and stand in front of the Omega Boutique and shout your story to the world. (well, until you're removed by the police)

We get it - you're unhappy with the pins failing in your bracelet. Shit happens. Shit has happened to me too. I gripe then let it go. This problem is not an epidemic or I would know after 6 years on watch forums, specifically modding and being a member of various Omega related sub forums. Go buy an Isofrane and call it a day.
Thank you for your courteous reply Dennis, as helpful as I am coming to expect in the world of Omega.

No soap box needed these days, Twitter can tell the world in an instant had that been my purpose.
But it was not ...
I wanted to hear from caring owners if anyone had experienced this issue, hence I posted the question on two forums over a month ago.

Thanks for persuading me though, that SpikiSpikester's option (iii) to sell the Omega is indeed worthy of consideration.

Your entire approach seems more like a grumpy smear campaign than someone seeking actual advice or opinions.

Twitter is only effective if you have followers.

This seems to be the only forum where people took the time to have an interest in what you were asking and tried to be helpful.

It's fine if you didn't hear what you wanted (whatever that may have been) but there's not much more we can say.
Chastise me for my sarcasm and/or curt replies, but you should be aware that we're very helpful to people who need help. Ask any of the members about it.
I service Omegas all the time, and refinish/clean many bracelets like yours. I have never seen one "fail" like you have described. In fact I service many brands and have never seen what you have described on any of them, so as others have suggested, this is not exactly an epidemic for Omega or anyone else.

My advice is to take your bracelet to an independent watchmaker who can look at it and see if it can be repaired. New pins/sleeves may solve it, and there might even be oversized pins that can be used.

One other thing to consider - the bracelet should be cleaned periodically, not only for pure hygiene, but because dirt inside the links acts as an abrasive, and it will accelerate the wear of the pins, etc. If you see to people referring to Rolex bracelets "stretching" they are really referring to the wear between the links.

Cheers, Al
Your previous thread was deleted due to it being copy/pasted word-for-word from other watch forums. It was also your first post here.

Sorry, you don't get to re-create the same spammy thread again. It has nothing to do with the subject matter. Don't believe me? That's probably because you don't know the forum or people here much at all, and only signed up to use it as a target for your grumpy scattergun.
I admit I needed no help. I had already decided to have a new bracelet fitted with the service and now just await for the watch to be returned to me, but it was only send away in April ....

So? I've sent watches in that were gone a year yet I didn't
about it.

Go ahead and ::deadhorse:: if it makes you happy.

Just curious if it's a common problem .... I never realised it's also a closely guarded secret.
Sorry to spoil the mystique.

Uhh, it's not a closely guarded secret. You just heard two different people, one an Omega collector and one a watchmaker who services many Omegas, tell you that your problem is an isolated incident. There's your answer. Have a nice day.
I had a Seamaster Chronograph from around 1997. I think they use the same bracelet. I was never happy with he pins and sleeve system, but that's only because they're such a hassle to swap around. The bracelet and pins stood up to a vast array of abuses beyond normal usage (I lived on a yacht for two years, on the water, not in a marina). There was countless tough smashes against stainless steel, snagging the watch bracelet on boat parts, daily ocean water, sand and more sand, chemicals, fuel spills, etc. I lost track of how many times I did something stupid and expected the watch or bracelet to be seriously damaged. It probably held most of my weight on several occasions, I've sustained more damage than the bracelet ever did.

Despite my best efforts, it showed only very slight signs of stretching, mostly around the clasp/pins area. It didn't present as a worn down bracelet at all. To say that it was simply durable would be quite an understatement.

I sold the watch late last year, the new (3rd) owner seems very happy with it too.
Ah, I see I'm not allowed to ask "Anyone having problems with Seamaster Stainless Steel Bracelet failing?"
So the name has been changed to an innocuous "My previous post". Thank you.
I think you just proved the value of this forum's independence.

With response to the Question about bracelet 'failure' - the answer is no...I have knocked the hell out of my SMP and never had a problem...
likewise with all of my watches...maybe I've just been lucky...every now and then a dud comes out of factory --- happened to us with my Wife's first Audi - and that was many more pesos than the SMP - but you roll with the punches... we still both own audis and love them...

don't let a flukey negative kill you... you seem like you've already surrendered to the negativity...In my professional, and personal experience...this will only beget more negatives...
don't let a flukey negative kill you... you seem like you've already surrendered to the negativity...In my professional, and personal experience...this will only beget more negatives...

Amen........... I guess most of the forum members in here have more than 3 watches and have traded many more (few members even has more than 100 😉 ). So they mostly have experienced the up and downs related to owning a watch: vintage, modern, young timer, Omega, other lower price brand, and other higher or much higher price brand. One incident could not be compare to entire population statistic. Negativity will hinder you from enjoying owning (and maintaining of course) watches that we love as hobby.
Is there cost for this hobby? Of course. Do we will get burn here and there? I bet you will. Are there disappointing or even saddening moment? Quite a few. But there are many more happy, cherishing and enjoying moment as well.....there are very satisfying moment..... even there are profitful moment (c'mon guys it's good isn't it? 😜 ) .
If I weigh between the downs and the ups, this is still one the hell of hobby 👍 .