·This is commonly an issue with fibromyalgia (and having been a sufferer during my worst back pain period I know something about). Not sure if your wife’s condition has been life long or recent- but in my case it was related to a lack of sleep- body goes into fight or flight, adrenals exhaust- whole body goes into hyper sensitive mode where anything touching the skin or what may seem like a mild ache becomes intensified by 100- it’s agonizing.
Oh yikes, that sounds rough. And doubly so for someone with a really, really good watch collection.
In my wife's case, it's probably ADHD-related, which used to be mild but got really intense after her pregnancy with all the hormones changes. She's in a pretty good place now, but the hypersensitivity has remained an issue.
Oh, and if I didn't say it yet, OP, send that watch back and ask for them to compensate you for having to wait for another service. We tried to rib you a bit, but you're not wrong that they should fix this for you.