I think this is the right thread...hard to tell, but can anybody tell me how much this watch is worth? I'm trying to figure out if I made a mistake or caught a great one! Thanks!! And before you ask, I'm not comfortable opening up the back, so don't ask.
Was thinking of just upgrading to the Hercules Mose outboard PS which gets the heat out of the plinth and is apparently more stable- read good things but haven’t tried it.
Great thread for its sheer entertainment value, but it's still not in the same league as the "scammer Terry receives a rock" thread. 😀
AWW come on I last looked at this thread last night and it was only 8 pages long, now its 15!! and I haven't even seen one Hobbit or even a single Unicorn!! watts-up with that? Agnes will be upset, its despicable.
Now would seem to be an appropriate opportunity to roll out my creative masterpiece again. I wonder if it's worth getting in touch with the French authorities and suggesting it should be added to the Lascaux Caves......😗 🤪
AWW come on I last looked at this thread last night and it was only 8 pages long, now its 15!! and I haven't even seen one Hobbit or even a single Unicorn!! watts-up with that? Agnes will be upset, its despicable.