I'm going to stick my oar into the water. I hope that I don't end up being food for the fishes!
I'm VERY new to the Forum, and the folks with whom I've interacted have been friendly, courteous, insightful and helpful in the extreme.
I had mentioned in one post that I couldn't wait to hit the magic 200-post number, so that I would be able to message sellers who have advertised watches being for sale. This was after I had read many posts in Jayco's thread about the rules and regulations instituted by the owners of the Forum.
One of the people kindly informed me that I didn't have to wait until I had posted 200 times, as I could direct-message any person.
This was a great surprise, as the OP of this thread had said that he couldn't direct-message until after reaching 200 posts.
I suppose that this means that we, as adults, really should read all of the rules before publicly showing any idiocy.
Now, onto the selling forum, to look for a Pie Pan!!!