·just trying to get your attention lol
I need some help. Purchased this watch a long time ago and I feel like it's time to get her in wearing condition. Does anyone know where I can source an original or good condition trapezoidal (i think that's what it's called) crystal for this particular UG? My understanding is this is gonna be a tough task.
I attached a copy of the original store receipt to demonstrate my claim that watches can be a good investment. I know an index fund from a stable western or east asian nation like the FTSE or S&P would blow the doors off this 120 dollar investment but you can't wear an ETF lol.
I need some help. Purchased this watch a long time ago and I feel like it's time to get her in wearing condition. Does anyone know where I can source an original or good condition trapezoidal (i think that's what it's called) crystal for this particular UG? My understanding is this is gonna be a tough task.
I attached a copy of the original store receipt to demonstrate my claim that watches can be a good investment. I know an index fund from a stable western or east asian nation like the FTSE or S&P would blow the doors off this 120 dollar investment but you can't wear an ETF lol.