JLC Reverso Classique Spring Bar size / lug hole damage?

Good evening! I recently bought a JLC Reverso Classique from the mid 2000s (Reference 252.8.86)

The watch arrived on an aftermarket strap with noticably 'clicky' spring bars. Apprently aftermakret spring bars were used too and the tips were smaller than the lug hole tip of the watch

I went ahead and replaced them with what I thought to be appropriately sized 17mm spring bars with industry standard 0.9mm tips (ordered from Ofrei). To my dismay, the spring bar still 'clicks' and it seems like the tip still doesnt fill the lug hole.

Do you think my lug holes are slightly damaged (enlarged) from years of having the wrong spring bar installed?
Or does maybe JLC their own specific spring bars with 1.0mm tip size perhaps? Anyone can confirm?

Appreciate yall