Just need to verify the authenticity any additional info would be much appreciated!
Wondering if anyone can weigh in on this guy:
Trying to find similar watches online and saw a few that were similar but hard to tell.
Unfortunately no shots of the movement.
The Broad Arrow in the back and the Omega symbol right up against the bottom seemed off to me.
V VOMFound a Speedmaster 3513.50.00 for sale locally that caught my attention. Everything checks out to me based on my basic knowledge, but I'd love another opinion from someone with a little more knowledge.
As far as price is concerned it looks like somewhere in the $1,500 range is fair, anything lower than that would be a decent deal. Am I wrong in that thinking?
Thanks in advance!
Can't tell much from those crappy photos. You need to start doing a bit of your own research or tell us why you think it's okay.
V VOMSorry, copied from a Craigslist ad and didn't realize they would come over so poorly.
It's tough to tell, but the subdials appear to differ in height (and I'm under the impression that fakes are generally flat). The second hand appears to go to the fractions, which is also leads me to believe it's real. Lastly, the number on the warranty card matches the back. Of course this could be faked, but it doesn't appear to be all that common.
V VOMI did see that, thank you. I'm not a huge fan of the color so I'm going to pass, but I've earmarked those pictures as a good reference for what to look for in the future.
V VOMLooks good, but someone snatched it up. The more watches I look at, the more torn I am as to whether to dip my toe in and go vintage or just jump in and buy a Speedmaster. Decisions, decisions!