It is 120€ What do you think about the price ?
The clock needs to switch the battery however.
If you know some websites or have advices concerning how to repare it please tell me, I am sure it will be really helpful
I managed to have it for 100 €
however I am not sure of anything concerning the issue with the watch. This watch belongs to the grandfather of the seller and seems in a good state. (I have hopes that it isn't a battery issue)
I always have been interested in the clock mechanisms and I wanted to learn a bit more about watches.
I will try to change the battery myself so that I can learn to do it. If you have tips feel free to tell me !
Thanks for all your answers and feel free if you have recommandation for a newcomer in the world of watches !!
Can't be repaired, best you can hope for is buying an exact duplicate watch THAT IS RUNNING PROPERLY and wear it.
Good luck and Welcome to the Forum
Can't be repaired, best you can hope for is buying an exact duplicate watch THAT IS RUNNING PROPERLY and wear it.
Good luck and Welcome to the Forum
it can't be repaired ?
I guess the following battery would fit, what's your opinion ?
By the way I don't have any tools do you have some recommandation ?