How do u feel about pawn shops?

As a general rule I avoid pawn shops for watches. I kinda worry stuff might be stolen or people are down on there luck selling stuff they didn’t want to but I learned many antique/junk stores are pretty darn cutthroat and operate not much different than pawn shops.
Today I took someone to a pawn shop as she wanted to sell a silver family heirloom. I told her what they would offer, she didn’t believe me and sometimes I just say what the hec I’ll bring you cause it’s easier to just drive there than repeat yourself for an hour. So I was right and the person I brought got all insulted at the low offer (which was a fair melt value silver offer actually but whatever)

So I noticed this seiko 5. The store seemed well run and neat. I asked to see the seiko 5 it has a hacking movement, date change works seems to run well although I just got home with it gotta test it.

85 bucks I’ve been looking for a blue bezel, not a barn find or anything but a solid base hit. Maybe I should rethink me pawn shop ban.
I rank them with some payday loan and check cashing joints. Preying on the misfortunes of others.
I like this guy. I like this guy. I don’t care for this guy. Someone needs to teach him how to properly shake hands.
There is a jewelry and pawn not far from me, I’ve purchased tools there before. Their jewelry side is much larger than the crap pawn stuff. They are also gemstone certified and sell lots of diamond jewelry. They get some nice watches among the sea of crap- they had a nice 1603 DJ in there about 2 years ago for around $3k- I should have bought it in hindsight.
Prior to credit cards and the general easy availability of credit today, there were two main places people went to get cash or a short term loan, a pawn shop or a loan shark. There are still many people who don't have access to the banking system and credit, they are called the 'unbanked'. Pawn shops have their place in the world, let the people decide where they want to do their financial transactions. Pawn shops are far better than a local loan shark.
Prior to credit cards and the general easy availability of credit today, pawn shops were the place where people went to get cash or a short term loan. There are still many people who don't have access to the banking system and credit. They have their place in the world, let the people decide where they want to do their financial transactions.
Ya I kind of I’m feeling that way and as I talked to the owner I got a decent feeling about the place. My friend who is an officer of the law told me in the majority of our state you won’t see much stolen stuff up front at pawn shops as they have officers devoted to inventory those places but of course that probably varies in cities where the cops are busy all shift but anyway they had some cool sports and electronic stuff and I was waiting as they were making a deal to buy a gold coin from the customer I know it was an ounce coin couldn’t see what and they actually paid him a little over spot Which made me feel more at ease the young guy running the place is a bit of a watch fan himself told me to check back monthly so what the hec if he continues to be a straight shooter I can spread his name around to my few watch associates
I like this guy. I like this guy. I don’t care for this guy. Someone needs to teach him how to properly shake hands.
Right. Two reasonable guys and a douche. Still all skivvy.
I’ve bought some good stuff from legit family owned pawn shops and had a family friend that owned 3 shops for many decades. They eventually exited the game due to pressure from cash converters here which is a giant corporate McDonald’s type pawn shop chain. Very different as they hire unqualified kids who can’t even spot the most obvious fake goods and focus on lower end stuff.

That same family friend that owned the pawn shops, the half of her family that weren’t working in that industry were all cops so they were pretty good at avoiding stolen goods and catching the ones trying to fence stolen goods.
There is a pawn shop I check out occasionally. I actually started to go there because of a watch they had on Ebay. It was a Memomatic, and it was, at the time priced full retail. I didn't buy the watch because I knew I could do better with a little patience.
The one take away was, he has watches in the display cabinet and watches for those who want to see the good stuff. As I mentioned, he is on Ebay as a seller, so consequently, he knows current value and will not come off his prices by enough to make me interested.
Seiko looks nice. 👍
It does doesn’t it. I’m pretty sure it’s the “reboot” of the seiko 5 that came out after they stopped the skx. It’s has a nice solid feel and it seems well made and looks nice. Winding as well. It’s great people can get a decent auto for under 400. I think they bring a lot of people into the watch world. I ran into a young guy with one on asked him how he liked it he gave me to full watch tour and it made me happy how happy he was with it. Said he wanted to change from smart Phones. So anyway I’m trying to avoid the small impulse purchases so I can get something decent but I find it important to have a number of watches you both like and don’t have to worry about wearing a bunch of cash on your wrist not only for safety and modesty but I’m always hitting door frames and what have you with watches I hate the sound, it doesn’t sound as bad with an elcheapo on.
Would buy at a pawn shop since the pawn show cost is 300-400 below the retail. Plenty of room to dicker or walk.
Sell at a pawnshop? Hell to the no.
Would buy at a pawn shop since the pawn show cost is 300-400 below the retail. Plenty of room to dicker or walk.
Sell at a pawnshop? Hell to the no.
When you sell the item to them it’s the worst piece of doo doo they ever saw, that same item, come sell time, suddenly becomes the best thing they have ever had in the store
There are hundreds here in Austin, and from what I can tell 100% of their business is in the buying and reselling of tools stolen from construction sites. Seriously, if you want a professional grade hammer drill, nail gun, or circular saw, just walk in to any one buy for a fraction of the Home Depot cost. Most have the logo of the construction company that owns them proudly emblazoned right on the handles, and no one seems to notice or care.
Smaller mom and pop style shops often have watches, but bizarrely, they're never priced at anything close to reasonable, and I can't figure out why. My best guess is people with stolen money prefer to pay cash at Pawn Shops where they know no record is kept, even if that means overpaying. Perhaps they overpay in order to resell at a loss elsewhere as a way to launder money. It's all very strange.
I am indifferent to them...
I am indifferent to them...
I think that means you are so passionate and conflicted on the subject in turns into indifference I get like that with boiled eggs
I think that means you are so passionate and conflicted on the subject in turns into indifference I get like that with boiled eggs

I like boiled eggs.
A pawnshop is a profit-motivated business. They’re also generalists, which means they don’t know the intricacies of what an item is worth/sentimental value etc.

Need quick cash, go there and liquidate or pawn your watch. You’ll get burned, but no one is forcing you to go there.

I’ve never dealt with a pawnshop before, but I see no reason to hate on them!