Good to be here!!

Hello everyone, Good to be on the forum. I signed up because I'm in the market for a Vintage base1000/pulsometer bezel. If anyone happens to have one or know someone who does, I would greatly appreciate a referral.
Thanks guys!
Welcome to the forum!

You are new and probably haven't read all the rules but given that you are looking to buy something, know that there is a classified section. According to the rules, you must have a minimum of 200 posts to participate in the classifieds section. Posting outside to classifieds to buy or sell may be considered an attempt to circumvent the rules and subject to discipline.

I suspect that there will be a healthy string of chastising to follow but don't take it to heart - many of us have had to endure a degree of hazing in order to learn to follow the rules. In the meantime, feel free to browse around, learn some things, get to know other members and participate.
many of us have had to endure a degree of hazing
It’s part of the charm around here. Take it in stride. We get so many drive-byes that it pushes the patience from time to time. Pull up a chair, interact, ask questions and make some friends. We are a pretty friendly bunch once you get through our gruff exterior. Welcome aboard.
What’s your budget?
Welcome to the forum!

You are new and probably haven't read all the rules but given that you are looking to buy something, know that there is a classified section. According to the rules, you must have a minimum of 200 posts to participate in the classifieds section. Posting outside to classifieds to buy or sell may be considered an attempt to circumvent the rules and subject to discipline.

I suspect that there will be a healthy string of chastising to follow but don't take it to heart - many of us have had to endure a degree of hazing in order to learn to follow the rules. In the meantime, feel free to browse around, learn some things, get to know other members and participate.

@Scifimega Bear in mind that you are allowed to browse the classified sections, comment in the established threads, PM any seller and make a deal.