First Omega In Space (2012 Speedmaster) FOIS, Roll Call

Nicely done, but isn't your watch exactly the same as the Omega Ed White rerelease (sans handfinished 321 movement)? That watch is $14,100 at retail and I can't imagine it was much cheaper to modify your FOIS, after extra parts & assembly...
Nicely done, but isn't your watch exactly the same as the Omega Ed White rerelease (sans handfinished 321 movement)? That watch is $14,100 at retail and I can't imagine it was much cheaper to modify your FOIS, after extra parts & assembly...

I'd be surprised if he broke 5k on this build. FOIS sold well under retail and parts accumulated over year, potentially when supply was not restricted and prices not insane
My overall costs incl. the watchmakers fee were 3.900,-- €. So much more cheaper than 14.000,--.
Please have in mind, as redzer007 still mentioned - collecting parts over the years and/or buying them from my AD. Omega parts are not that expensive like they are offered on ebay or else. e.g. a dial (doesn't matter which one) costs about 250,-- max. . The FOIS were a secondary market caught...incl. papers etc.
Omega parts are not that expensive like they are offered on ebay or else. e.g. a dial (doesn't matter which one) costs about 250,-- max.

This used to be the case, but not really any longer. Regular Speedmaster dials are not that bad yet, but many other Omega parts have jumped significantly over the last 2 years or so. Omega used to have small increases yearly - few percentage points that maybe were a little more than inflation rates. Then they stopped that, and started jacking up prices on seemingly random parts by very large amounts, overnight. I have seen some parts jump more than 4X overnight while others didn't change.

For example the dial for a common watch, the 25318000 SMP, is now more than 4X what it was back in 2016 (the last time I ordered one, but the jump in price was much more recent).

For sure lots of the people selling parts on the open market are charging far more than they paid, but Omega is raising prices all the time, and not by small increments. You had this done at a good time, but I suspect these won't be as cheap to do in the future.
This used to be the case, but not really any longer. Regular Speedmaster dials are not that bad yet, but many other Omega parts have jumped significantly over the last 2 years or so. Omega used to have small increases yearly - few percentage points that maybe were a little more than inflation rates. Then they stopped that, and started jacking up prices on seemingly random parts by very large amounts, overnight. I have seen some parts jump more than 4X overnight while others didn't change.

For example the dial for a common watch, the 25318000 SMP, is now more than 4X what it was back in 2016 (the last time I ordered one, but the jump in price was much more recent).

For sure lots of the people selling parts on the open market are charging far more than they paid, but Omega is raising prices all the time, and not by small increments. You had this done at a good time, but I suspect these won't be as cheap to do in the future.
I agree with you, no doubts about that. The good old times are gone. But it depends also from whom you get the parts as you mentioned. And yes,you have more and more restrictions by Omega today....there are rumours that the spare part rules from Omega will be more and more like, hopefully our personal stocks are filled....
Question; does your number on the removable lid on the presentation box correspond with your limited release number?

Mine doesn't....

Question; does your number on the removable lid on the presentation box correspond with your limited release number?

Mine doesn't....

My box says 9556 too so it’s not your watches number printed there 😀
My box says 9556 too so it’s not your watches number printed there 😀

That settles it then! Thank you.
I wonder what the 9556 means then.
All SPecial Boxes have a dedicated number to indicate which particular model watch it belongs to and what is included in the boxed set. The number 9556 only has meaning to Omega control.
All SPecial Boxes have a dedicated number to indicate which particular model watch it belongs to and what is included in the boxed set. The number 9556 only has meaning to Omega control.
So it’s for the retailer to know which box goes with which watch. Makes sense
So it’s for the retailer to know which box goes with which watch. Makes sense
Almost every watch I've ever bought from an AD has an internal bar code (or other stock number or even the watch number) that matches the box, so when you buy a watch they look at the code on the watch and then go where ever the boxes are stored and look for that box that has that code. Seems to work in my experience, have never gotten a wrong box with the wrong paper work

Here's the label from the box that went with my CK2998, in this case they just look at the stock number on the watch and then go find the box that has that same number, voila, the paperwork, cards and numbered certificate for that watch is in the box. Of course you have to have a system in place to make sure your inventory is properly tracked. This was a large retailer with dozens of shops so obviously they have an inventory system in place. A smaller retailer might only carry a couple of dozen pieces so not as difficult to keep things sorted out. But it is always best practice to check the watch's serial number with the paperwork to make sure it all lines up.
Back in the club! Sold my first FOIS a couple of years ago, but missed it. There are few watches that are as attractive to me. Sure, I wish it was a bit easier to see the hands, but a watch in 2020 is largely jewelry anyway. Besides, as I’m sure Is commonplace in these parts, half (most?) of the time I look at my watch, that’s exactly what I’m doing—admiring the watch, not trying to find out what time it is anyway. 😀 I may consider swapping the handset for Pro hands at some point. Or not. It’s No. 141XX, BTW.
I’m so use to the FOIS hands I find the Speedy Pros etc odd.
Back in the club! Sold my first FOIS a couple of years ago, but missed it. There are few watches that are as attractive to me. Sure, I wish it was a bit easier to see the hands, but a watch in 2020 is largely jewelry anyway. Besides, as I’m sure Is commonplace in these parts, half (most?) of the time I look at my watch, that’s exactly what I’m doing—admiring the watch, not trying to find out what time it is anyway. 😀 I may consider swapping the handset for Pro hands at some point. Or not. It’s No. 141XX, BTW.

Welcome back to the FOIS club (and the still more exclusive 141xx FOIS club). Mine has become my daily wearer. I seem to recall that somewhere in this thread is a FOIS whose hands have been re-lumed, which adds some visibility in light and dark while preserving the shape of the original. I don't find the hands to be a problem in most light conditions but this seemed an elegant solution.
Today the eagle has landed.
No. 14600 reporting...

Hello Gents - somewhat of a Greenhorn here, but progressing quickly.
The FOIS will make this my 2nd Omega in my collection (the other being a Vintage Geneve).

Now the FOIS - I'm sporting it proudly - it sits on my 7" wrist comfortably and I can't stop admiring it. Opted for a vintage leather racing strap. The applied Omega Logo and cleaner dial gets my approval. Love the alpha hands
Makes winding more accessible.
The Loch Ness monsta protects it from behind.
Current status of my FOIS. I managed to get the Uncle Seiko 1171 on it but broke the other end of the tool to get the pins out to size the bracelet.
Current status of my FOIS. I managed to get the Uncle Seiko 1171 on it but broke the other end of the tool to get the pins out to size the bracelet.

I bought my FOIS 2 weeks ago and I'm also waiting to receive the 1171 bracelet from Uncle Seiko asap.
I have read some reviews with minor problems of the installation of this bracelet like yours,... and being honest, i finally don't feel comfortable to install it, since i will get for sure some signs between the lugs and at the case...

Thinking, thinking, thinking....