Fake Paypal Site

I suppose, unless they had information, or were gathering information of a particular fake site that could assist paypal or they were gathering information to assist paypal in future litigation against a particular site/individual for unauthorized use of intellectual property own by paypal. Then again, maybe I'm wrong.
The scam sites are usually hosted in places like China, small ex-soviet countries, Africa, free web accounts, etc. Most often they're extremely temporary (even one-offs for a single scam) with no ties to anyone that matters, even if you could find them.

Paypal is also informed about the fraud. They are following it up.
Australia post has been paid a fee of $25 by which they can - Withdraw From Delivery in London - As the item is in transit and is going to be possible . Matter reported to London Police Online Squad. And Australian Police.
Will keep you posted.
That's great news. I really hope they can grab it in time.