··Keeps his worms in a ball instead of a can.I’m not convinced that F1 is anywhere near being green, what is the mpg for an F1 car, 30, 40, 50mpg? What about the cost of their tyres, tyres that get used for less than 100 miles in most cases and you hear frequently that the tyre is shot after a couple of laps?
Yes F1 has given us some technology but at what cost to the the environment? The hybrid engines were in normal cars Toyota Prius well before F1 had them, yes F1 has refined that style of engine but it didn’t introduce them.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a fan of F1 but I do wonder what it brings to the table in terms of sustainability and its green credentials.
20 cars which paved the way for better emissions in millions of cars. Who cares if those 20 are green. The sport does far more good then it hurts.