Dial question for Lady Certina DS

Hello fellow Certifans,

I'm a big fan a vintage Certina, and I'd love to pass along this love to my wife and my sister by offering them a superb Certina Vintage.

I've got my eyes on the Certina DS lady, which looks like a smaller version of the DS 2, one of my - if not my - favorite certina watch.

I'm actually looking at a dark red dial Certina DS Lady (picture below). But something looks odd about the dial, espacially the "DS" and "Certina" writing, which looks very boldy/thick

I've had a look at some other pictures of Lady DS (see picture below : a green dial, light blue and dark blue whose picture is a bit blurry), and the writing seems a bit thinner especially on the light blue one. The green one seems to be in between the two in terms of writing thickness 😒.

Do you also see the red flag on the red dial one ?

Thanks for your help
Pictures below


THE RED ONE - Red flag or not ?
Capture d’écran 2024-08-05 à 15.34.47.png

The Light Blue Dial - very thin writing
Capture d’écran 2024-08-05 à 15.34.21.png

The Green One : A bit in between IMO lol

Capture d’écran 2024-08-05 à 15.41.46.png

The Dark Blue dial (good luck seeing something)

Capture d’écran 2024-08-05 à 15.40.34.png
