Cyber Etiquette, Please Read

Who or what should we blame?
Human nature. Bullying has always been around.

Only the methods are different.
Who or what should we blame?

Internet? no, if u dont like it or can't handle turn off
Parents? yes absolutely
School system? yes too
The economy? don't think so
World events? no but we all live on the same flat earth
Definitions change, as much as anything.

Also, in respect of bullying. When I was a child, the emphasis seemed to be on the victim learning to deal with bullying one way or another. Find a method that suits, & use it.
These days the emphasis seems to be on asking the bully to change.
In my opinion, real bullies don't change. Not through being asked, & not quickly.
When I was a child, the emphasis seemed to be on the victim learning to deal with bullying one way or another.
That is still true.
These days the emphasis seems to be on asking the bully to change.
The people who believe this are living in a fantasy world.
In my opinion, real bullies don't change. Not through being asked, & not quickly.
I think all you need to do is look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Whether you are agree with him or not, the fact is that he is a classic bully.
That is still true.

Not in Australia. Schools & media are full of PC rubbish suggesting bullies need to change so victims can stop being victims.
Not in Australia. Schools & media are full of PC rubbish suggesting bullies need to change so victims can stop being victims.
Human nature. Bullying has always been around.

Only the methods are different.
Yes but what western societies classify
as bullying has evolved significantly as of late. Generally speaking, western societies usually consist of heterogeneous populations with diverse opinions who have better access to communication (eg through internet and democratic processes) than their eastern counterparts. Consequently differences of opinion may be more prone to clashing and evolving in the west. Eastern societies on the other hand usually consist of more homogeneous populations with less access to communication. Thus they are less prone to have differences of opinion and less likely to adequately express those differences. Consequently, I suspect what’s classified as bullying has changed less in the eastern than western world.
I had these silicon bands made to help me navigate my way around the forum over the last year and wear them whenever I'm logged into the OF. They have really helped me out a lot.

These are the things I ask myself before I post.

EDIT - A member emailed me and was a offended by my rubber bands and thought I was taking shots at members here. To all here, this could be no further from the truth. The post was meant to poke a bit of fun at myself. My apologies to anyone that thought his was directed at you.

TLIGuy out.
That was true up until around the turn of this century. Now, snowflakes melt if you reply with something that's not rainbows & unicorns.

There's a difference between abusive harassment and teasing. I guess your definition depends on the thickness of your skin. Get the micrometer!
You make a valid point Squirrel!👍 We've bred a whole generation of 'traumatised victims'.

In the UK, the rise of the 'academic, middle class, liberals', in the last 25 to 30 years, has been the biggest threat to free speech in the Western world sInce 1939. Many Thousands of people died in 2 world Wars so that dictators like Hitler could not control how we thought or spoke.

Left wing activists in public office, the media, and education have undone much of what they fought for in a couple of decades. All they've done is substituted 'obvious tyranny' with 'political correctness' (which is just 'concealed tyranny'.) By controlling a whole generation of young people using 'Political Correctness', we now have no idea what anybody REALLY thinks because everyone has to tread on eggshells when they speak in case it costs them their public sector job or place in a university!😲

God help us if the Nazis ever rise again because all the young men will be too busy having 'fakkin' trauma counselling to fight!😁 We will all be offering the Nazis "unconditional positive regard" to help them deal with their aggression!😁

I love being a grumpy old bloke!😡
“Doxxing” is a common online bullying tactic, it means to publish a person’s personal info - their address, phone number etc. The words themselves might not hurt, but people following words have hurt countless others throughout history.

I have a lot of friends who are political journalists in the US. Every single one of them who is Jewish has recieved serious, credible threats online. Three close friends have had their home addresses and other personal information posted on neo-nazi websites. One had his home address and pictures of his children posted in on a white nationalist forum in one of the most threatening communications I have ever seen. It was chilling. After that, he underwent extensive firearms training, and carries a gun - something he never would have considered before.

This is only one example of this stuff impacting people who are close to me. And the only way to stop it, in my opinion, is for people who believe in decency to stand up for decency - well before it gets out of control.

Those of us who live in open, democratic societies have an obligation to do something.
And the only way to stop it, in my opinion, is for people who believe in decency to stand up for decency - well before it gets out of control.
Unfortunately, there are too few of those people in the world.

As I said before, the concept of bullying has not changed. Only the methods have. Except that now, the bullying can be done anonymously and with technology rather than physically.

Doesn’t matter if it’s neo-Nazis in the US or Russian trolls on political message boards. The result is the same.

Let’s not let it happen here please.
You make a valid point Squirrel!👍 We've bred a whole generation of 'traumatised victims'.

In the UK, the rise of the 'academic, middle class, liberals', in the last 25 to 30 years, has been the biggest threat to free speech in the Western world sInce 1939. Many Thousands of people died in 2 world Wars so that dictators like Hitler could not control how we thought or spoke.

Left wing activists in public office, the media, and education have undone much of what they fought for in a couple of decades. All they've done is substituted 'obvious tyranny' with 'political correctness' (which is just 'concealed tyranny'.) By controlling a whole generation of young people using 'Political Correctness', we now have no idea what anybody REALLY thinks because everyone has to tread on eggshells when they speak in case it costs them their public sector job or place in a university!😲

God help us if the Nazis ever rise again because all the young men will be too busy having 'fakkin' trauma counselling to fight!😁 We will all be offering the Nazis "unconditional positive regard" to help them deal with their aggression!😁

I love being a grumpy old bloke!😡

Free speech is one thing but I think there is a big difference between what you say and how you say it.

I don t think the intention of the OP was to close down people's right to express their opinion, just phrase it in a way that is not bombastic, aggessive or offensive.

I think it is easy to forget what it might be like to be a new guy/girl somewhere and if the first thing you experience is someone with giving you a hard time then it is unlikely that you would want to come back, this is just as true on line as it is in real life.
I am trying hard to see the problem here.

We all know that being unpleasant is a horrible thing, and we dont do it. Some have reacted to aggressive or belligerent posts in the same way as if talking to a person in the pub, but that is not bullying, thats meeting like with like,

The rest of the posts in this thread are going round and round, nearly telling people what to do, but not quite, because that wouldn't be right, but they tell us anyway.

90% of the "Bullying" on this forum seems to be from one person, banned multiple times. Or have I missed some corner of the playground where groups of Connie wearers have cut a SpeedySheep from his herd and are making fun of his 20mm lugs?

I do not count the reactions of established members with a track record of being mostly decent humans, bullying. It is a reaction to a total dickhead typing in to a forum and being a massive, massive troll.

So all this other blurb about how we should all behave is redundant. Because anyone reading and with the ability to respond, ie still has his membership, knows how to behave. Or am I wrong? Do we all need to be told how to behave on a forum, do we really need lessons in bigotry, racism and all the other isms?

Trying to legislate, or "Suggest" behavior to all the members of this forum based on the behavior of very few, is insulting to the vast majority of members here.
Hello Everyone...
My intent was to get everyone's attention and be aware of the opposing point of view... I have on a few occasions opposed the view of the OP and when the OP ran out of counter points they then started with insults and personal attacks. This does not happen on the forum often.

But I had gotten a PM about an serious issue and then looking back on my own here. ( not serious) .. I thought it would be a good topic of discussion. By the way ....Great discussion it is.... lots of opposing views, comments and videos...

Some members are seeing this as a much bigger social issue...... that was not my plan here. In hindsight "Cyber-Bullying" was not an appropriate subject title... please accept my apologizes for that. Maybe a better title Cyber-Etiquette.....

But it is very interesting what others are perceiving as the OP issues... if they perceive it then it is a real issue...

Some of the items brought to light I have no clue on how to tackle...

But it is a challenge for everyone everyday....

I want to thank everyone for all the time and effort in making this a great place to be a apart of.

Looking forwards to more topics... and debates etc....

Best regards


Free speech is one thing but I think there is a big difference between what you say and how you say it.

I don t think the intention of the OP was to close down people's right to express their opinion, just phrase it in a way that is not bombastic, aggessive or offensive.

I think it is easy to forget what it might be like to be a new guy/girl somewhere and if the first thing you experience is someone with giving you a hard time then it is unlikely that you would want to come back, this is just as true on line as it is in real life.
Yes, when I re read the title with Cyber Etiquette then it all makes sense, and my head cools!

I guess I am weird and actually if we were in the pub, that would have been straightened out immediately. and thus underlines several of the points made in the thread, that misunderstandings between keyboards would not happen across a table.

Trebles all round!
Hi @Spacefruit

I just replied to the thread... as you posted yours. I hope it will answer your questions...

Please accept my apology , I was not trying to tell anyone how to behave.

Best regards


I am trying hard to see the problem here.

We all know that being unpleasant is a horrible thing, and we dont do it. Some have reacted to aggressive or belligerent posts in the same way as if talking to a person in the pub, but that is not bullying, thats meeting like with like,

The rest of the posts in this thread are going round and round, nearly telling people what to do, but not quite, because that wouldn't be right, but they tell us anyway.

90% of the "Bullying" on this forum seems to be from one person, banned multiple times. Or have I missed some corner of the playground where groups of Connie wearers have cut a SpeedySheep from his herd and are making fun of his 20mm lugs?

I do not count the reactions of established members with a track record of being mostly decent humans, bullying. It is a reaction to a total dickhead typing in to a forum and being a massive, massive troll.

So all this other blurb about how we should all behave is redundant. Because anyone reading and with the ability to respond, ie still has his membership, knows how to behave. Or am I wrong? Do we all need to be told how to behave on a forum, do we really need lessons in bigotry, racism and all the other isms?

Trying to legislate, or "Suggest" behavior to all the members of this forum based on the behavior of very few, is insulting to the vast majority of members here.
Yes, when I re read the title with Cyber Etiquette then it all makes sense, and my head cools!

I guess I am weird and actually if we were in the pub, that would have been straightened out immediately. and thus underlines several of the points made in the thread, that misunderstandings between keyboards would not happen across a table.

Trebles all round!
Hey I just replied to your post before seeing this one....

just updated the title.... did not mean to really wave the red cape!

Good Hunting

Read the title
Thought there would be bullying 👎

did not mean to disappoint..


@Bill Sohne Thanks for starting this discussion. I think it’s important. I would add to your original checklist: Is this something you would say to the face of someone showing up IRL at a GTG? Would you dress them down over a beer in a public space for one “dumb” question, and would they deserve it? The disconnect between how we act in these spaces seems crazy to me.

Interesting exercise: Go look at the first post of any member (also senior members) and you’ll find many of these are just innocent questions about a piece seen on eBay, or inherited from an uncle – exactly the sort of “What is this/what is it worth/is this authentic?” posts that can draw so much fire.

So all of us were noobs once. Many (most?) of us were also drive-by posters who came to this forum explicitly for information, …unaware of the norms and mores we take for granted. We stumbled in, but probably stuck around because someone was generous enough with their time, knowledge, and passion for this hobby to look past our ignorance and stupidity.

I totally get the frustration with users without avatars posting entitled/lazy BS, but I think the responses often do more damage and are more of a net-negative than the original post would be if it were just ignored and left to die. Same goes for any post (or poster) you don’t like.

I think the debate about being too PC/snowflake or changing the way you post clouds the issue. To me it’s not about changing who you are, but about aligning who you are and how you write here more closely with how you do those same things in real life, face to face, …in speech.

Long ass story short: The internet is not some magical 4th dimension where you can savage others for sport without consequences. It’s real life. How we comport ourselves here is real.