Comparing Seamaster serial number and date on warranty card query

Hi. I’m looking at a Seamaster which has a warranty card showing a date of 2006, but when I checked the serial number it s omega "59587653" - Google Search ays the production year is 1999. The serial number on the watch and pictograms are the same. Should I be concerned that their warranty card appears to have a date on it that’s 7 years after the production date? Thanks in advance Rich
It's not unusual for watches to sit at dealers for years before being sold, so that alone is not a red flag to me.

This is the serial number and model reference as shown on the Omega Extranet:

Serial number: 59587653
Article ref: 22645000
It's not unusual for watches to sit at dealers for years before being sold, so that alone is not a red flag to me.

This is the serial number and model reference as shown on the Omega Extranet:

Serial number: 59587653
Article ref: 22645000
Thanks for that. Would that mean potentially that the watch hasn’t been running all that time either? (It’s a quartz I should add) I’m wondering if there is any downside or maintenance consideration if it was older than I thought. I should add that I have bought the watch but not yet received it, but then in the interim saw the 1999 manufactured date. Thanks again Rich
Your mistake is your certainty on the date of manufacture. You can't pigeon hole a modern Omega, by which I mean newer than around 1990 by serial number alone using a single table as different watches sit in different ranges. The quartz movement SMPs sat in the high 50m range while the autos were in the 60m and ultimately 80m region. I haven't got enough close comps to make an accurate guess, but I bet that watch was actually made in the early to mid 2000s, so didn't sit around that long after all.
Your mistake is your certainty on the date of manufacture. You can't pigeon hole a modern Omega, by which I mean newer than around 1990 by serial number alone using a single table as different watches sit in different ranges. The quartz movement SMPs sat in the high 50m range while the autos were in the 60m and ultimately 80m region. I haven't got enough close comps to make an accurate guess, but I bet that watch was actually made in the early to mid 2000s, so didn't sit around that long after all.
Ahh that’s interesting to hear. It gives me more confidence about what I saw as a big date discrepancy. Thanks again Rich
Can you post some pictures with the cards in discussion? and the watch..maybe the problem is other..