Have a look at the beginning in my family:
- My grandpa Franz on McCormack tractor in 1930, it was a big deal then for a farmer to own such a giant. (Is that a predecessor of a SUV?)
My grandfather was the biggest land owner in his county, but he lost all by spending more then he earned.
- Here am I on the right on my first Holy Communion in 1950.
My uncle Fritz was the richest man in the little town, as he was a butcher in a hungry country.
But when there was a currency change in 1948, he had 100.000 Reichsmark cash in his safe, and it was paper only then.
I remember, I had 20 Pfennig and ordered a limonade in the local pub, but that coin was nothing worth any more. So I stood there in the pub as a betrayer, I was just 6!
The Mercedes was a must for the trailer to bring the cattle to his slaughter house, were I was sitting with the butcher bachelors drinking blood for the break (its true, that's why I am still going strong).
Greetings Konrad