Glad I could enable you without knowing! You'll love it, such a great watch at that price. I would highly recommend a sailcloth strap for wet areas as well!
thanks for the link, though.
If it holds 10 straps, i will need.....😕...10 or more....
It holds 12, so you'll only need 8.3 (or more) 😜
Picked this up locally today for $20. 😀
It needs a cleaning as I bought from the original owners family member, it has never been cleaned or serviced.
I seen it listed on a local site and it was only minutes from my place and I was happy to have bought the watch. I don't know anything about it yet but plan on keeping it.😁
Timefactors did a cool reissue of this one. Lovely watch. What is the case diameter? I thought it was quite small, maybe 31mm?
Either way great pick up and I will call dibs, if I may.
Very cool ! What's the size ? I have never seen one
Nice!!! From @Modest_Proposal ? Dibs btw!