Advise and thoughts on DeVille and Speedmaster Mark II (late 60s-70s)

Hi everyone, I am new and I would appreciate your kind help. I have always liked watches, own a couple of them but I have never owned an Omega. I have been reading, checking this forum, watching videos and educating myself over the last 2 months.

A watchmaker I know, from whom I have bought other pieces in the past, is offering me two Omega’s. None of the models comes with papers or with box

Omega DeVille Date.

I looked at the catalogue but couldn’t find the exact model, but it looks similar to this one ( I found a youtube video of a similar watch (

The crown DOES NOT have the Omega logo

It is a unishell steel case which opens on the dial side, so I don’t have photos from the movement at the moment.

The watch comes with a steel bracelet but I dont think this is the original one, which most likely was leather. I think they attached a steel bracelet from another model.

As you can see from the photos, the condition of the watch is so-so, considering its age. The watchmaker guarantees it is not a redial.

PRICE: 175-200 U.S. Dollars

Omega Speedmaster Mark II.

I really like the watch and I like the sensation of heaviness it gives when you are wearing it. Movement is working well and it appears it is the original bracelet. There are some scratches in the bracelet. There is a slight scratch in the crystal.

PRICE: 1,200 U.S. Dollars.

I am buying these watches for personal use, do not plan on selling them and I see them as the beginning of a hobby with Omega watches. My questions are:

1. What do you think of these watches?

2. Are they fake?

3. Prices are fair? Are they worth buying?

4. I inspected them, they are working properly and they do not seem to be redialled, but maybe I am wrong. Do you notice anything odd?

5. I might only buy one, which one would you go for?

Thanks for your help and time

The DeVille is not a desirable model and the condition is not particularly good. And you didn't mention that it really appealed to you. And it will probably need a service. Maybe just let it go.

You obviously like the style of the Mk II, which is an important factor. The photos are really not good enough for us to judge the condition of the dial and of the case. It's important to see the finish on the case and the condition of the edges. We can see that the lume in the hands is much darker than the lume on the dial. It's possible for them to age differently, but it would be uncommon for them to be so dramatically different, so many people might suspect that something has been replaced or restored.
I'm not familiar with the DeVille. What are lug size on that one? If 20 them maybe some value in bracelet.

I prefer mark 2. I have the racing. That one you show looks good.
I would try to find out the reference of the bracelet of the De Ville, if it is an 1171 I would take it for 200 US. If you like the style of it, get it serviced and wear it, but be aware the costs of servicing exceed the value of the watch.

The MK2 comes with the desireable 1159/154 bracelet which seems to be in good condition. The case looks polished from the pics, but its hard to tell because of the quality of the pics. Please try to get better pics from all sides of the Mk2 and post them.

The pricing seems fair to me regarding they both need a service, the Mk 2 also a new crystal.

kind regards Max
Thank you very much for all your replies. They are quite helpful.
I will go tomorrow with the watchmaker and take some additional photos of the MK2 and will post them here.

I am happily surprised of the camaraderie of this forum 😀
I’d buy them both - maybe they’ll give you a deal. The bracelet is worth $200 in the DeVille and the cal. 861 movement and bracelet is worth $1200. I can’t see this going wrong even if you eventually determine they aren’t for you.
As others have said the Mk2 is the one to go for.

I think the hands look fine, mine which I bought untouched from the original owner had a similar difference with the nicely aged markers and very dark hands. The tritium on the hands of mine was starting to crumble so I had them professionally relumed to match the dial, looks much better now.