Many thanks for everyones input. I have placed the question to the seller, I am hoping he will respond on here, or private mail with some kind of cost breakdown. Will update when or if, I ever get a response.
Just to clear this one. I did get detailed docs on the transactions, as suggested by WV NYC, and my seller did everything by the book. Humble pie is on the menu here, the bank exchange rates were abusive to say the least, I live and learn.
Thanks all for your time.
Personally, as the buyer, I would accept this as my problem.
The seller shipped the product. Assuming the address is correct and the box is securely packaged, I can't see how he is responsible for a third party's error.
Also, and I know this sounds a little silly, but £200 isn't a lot of money when dealing with luxury items. This ain't a poor man's game!