Really disappointed with service at Omega boutique.

Did the watch come with an Omega warranty card? If so, you are aware you can go directly through Omega instead of using a middleman (IE a boutique)? Just be aware, this “defect” you are seeing very well may be within Omega’s tolerances.
It did, i will call the corporate office in the morning.
Where did i say i want the boutique to foot the bill? i have a warranty right?

If you still have a warranty, then I've failed to read your original post thoroughly and I apologize for that. Definitely contact Omega directly. If you still have your warranty it can't hurt to do that.
If you still have a warranty, then I've failed to read your original post thoroughly and I apologize for that. Definitely contact Omega directly. If you still have your warranty it can't hurt to do that.
All good, will do. Thank you.
In my opinion this is within spec (not visible with the naked eye), therefore not covered by warranty. Its a mass produced watch, I would not expect perfection. Same can be said of all mid tier watch brands.

I would expect it to work as expected and look as expected (to the naked eye).
It’s only a QC problem if it’s beyond Omega’s tolerance specifications, I’m guessing it is within those, probably close enough to be borderline.
Now if you had purchased it from the boutique in question, then maybe they’d go into bat for you, but as you bought it elsewhere, they aren’t inclined to go to the trouble on your behalf, especially as there is bugger all in it for them.
If you were to take it to a different boutique, with the same issue, maybe they’d be more helpful….. maybe less helpful….. it all comes down the the people involved and circumstances including you.
Now I don’t know you and I’m not saying anything about your personality.
But some people don’t come across very well when making a complaint, this may not be intentional, and it may have more to do with the attitude of the customer service counter jockey than the customer.
My point is that when it comes to the customer service experience there are too many variables, that no corporate customer service policy can take into account.
It’s only a QC problem if it’s beyond Omega’s tolerance specifications, I’m guessing it is within those, probably close enough to be borderline.
Now if you had purchased it from the boutique in question, then maybe they’d go into bat for you, but as you bought it elsewhere, they aren’t inclined to go to the trouble on your behalf, especially as there is bugger all in it for them.
If you were to take it to a different boutique, with the same issue, maybe they’d be more helpful….. maybe less helpful….. it all comes down the the people involved and circumstances including you.
Now I don’t know you and I’m not saying anything about your personality.
But some people don’t come across very well when making a complaint, this may not be intentional, and it may have more to do with the attitude of the customer service counter jockey than the customer.
My point is that when it comes to the customer service experience there are too many variables, that no corporate customer service policy can take into account.
Totally valid point, i honestly didnt go in there with this as a complaint. Had a good rapport with the salesman, he gave me his cell and said if I needed anything to contact him. Thats why it kind of confused me when he said he couldnt do anything. But like you say, I didnt get it from him, so why should he bother. But as an Omega standpoint I just thought that he would have to handle services regardless of whether he got the commission or not. All good though, I will just call the service center directly.
It’s pretty minor, so I’m not overly surprised they’re not willing to do anything about it, especially for a subsequent owner. All watches and many high end cars will fall into this category, if it bothers you enough you may need to just sell it and get something else.
My guess is that we’re going to find out that there is no warranty from Omega. This sounds very much like a grey market sale through a dealer, but NOT an authorized dealer, who does business on C24. OP, just to clarify, did the watch come with a red card from Omega that clearly sets forth the manufacturers warranty? It should look something like this:
Thank you, you answered my original question. It does have a warranty yes. I thought the boutique would have done the same also. I will call the corporate office. Thanks again
As others have mentioned, does it have the red Omega warranty card with the watch's serial number on it? Or is it some sort of third party warranty given by the seller? You usually won't find an authorized Omega dealer selling BNIB watches with the full 5 year Omega warranty at a discount, I don't think Omega allows that as part of their agreement with the vendor. Personally, I think your dial is well within Omega's specs and it isn't worth pursuing, the first scratch or dent you put on the watch will make that almost imperceptible misalignment insignificant. And remember, anytime you open up a watch you run the risk of another issue cropping up....a fleck of dust, a hair, a new dial that has some other issue, or a mark on the case or case back. Your watch looks fine to me, wouldn't bother me in the least. But if it bothers you send it back and get your money back, but you will always run the risk of these sorts of issues if you buy online, sight unseen. If you need a 'perfect' watch you will need to buy from a boutique or authorized dealer and closely inspect the watch to make sure it passes your standards. But this will be at a higher price most likely. You pays your money and you takes your choice, there is no free lunch.
I tell ya what, DonJuan…… I really feel for you, so much so that, because I’m such a bloody good bloke, I’m prepared to help you out.
Out of the kindness of my heart……I’ll give you $50 for it….it is faulty after all, and with those red lines drawn on it, it’s no longer original ( no matter how much I like them)
I’m prepared to bare the strain of the of the misaligned baton marker, so you a fellow watch enthusiast can sleep well in the knowledge that you never have to see it again……I can’t be fairer than that!
Omega's an entry level watch. Just ask my buddy Kevin.

Entirely appropriate since Kevin is an entry level celebrity.
That watch is fine. You might want to try another hobby.
I can barely see the issue, so this whole thread seems totally ridiculous. And when you buy from a gray dealer on a sketchy online platform, you can't expect world-class service. Those are the chances you take. Surely you realize that.

If you want a new watch, return it to the seller and get a new one. And if you want the OB sales rep to give you good service, maybe you should buy a watch from him. Sales reps don't get paid to fix problems for "customers" who buy discount watches online.
Out of the kindness of my heart……I’ll give you $50 for it….it is faulty after all, and with those red lines drawn on it, it’s no longer original ( no matter how much I like them)
50 bucks? Is the OP, or you, from Philadelphia? Because that line only works in Philadelphia.