I’ll probably post in this section more than once tonight, but for starters:
Skin Diver
Beachbum Berry’s less labor intensive version of the Pearl Diver.
Good stuff!
A very nice Dunkel (perfect for the changing seasons) and a pleasant Shiraz with a steak to start the break... but then sunshine and not snow - so with Covid restrictions reduced a chance for an unplanned garden party with friends - from home brew to becks and bud.. and a good time had by all - roll on more normality (fingers crossed) and happy Easter everyone
Never mind the Greeks baring gifts, when a daughter brings you a bottle of Gin ????
Never come across this German Gin so I just may have to give it a try purely in the interests of research 😀
I like gin because even good stuff is relatively inexpensive.
I've heard nothing but good things about this brand.
I tend to default to Hendricks when I'm being fancy, and I don't necessarily like when gin makers try to be too clever with their flavor profile.
Did it call attention to itself, or did it behave like a good gin?