The best beer IMO!
@kaisiang098 I’m interested in knowing how the home made is turning out for you. Are you experienced with this? Pretty cool man.
Sry to monopolize the thread here, but in the subject of Scotch, can it be colored? Bourbon can’t be (by def anyway), and I have a bottle of Dalmore that looks like cognac.
Hi there, well this is my 5th batch of cherry liqueur. I've tried a couple different recipes and i find that a mixture of cooked(with added sugar and water) and fresh cherries with a final Alcohol level of around 20-25%, 'aged' for around 2 weeks will yield the best results.
Taste profile will be similar to Umeshu (japanese plum wine) but with a fresh cherry flavour.
Using vodka by volume for the measurements? I need to try it.
To say that Islay malts are the “epitome” of scotch is misleading.
Damn..time for a scotch!
For me, THIS is the epitome of scotch! If you can find it. It's become insanely expensive.
The Islays close behind...