With increased local armed robberies, I’m no longer wearing Rolexes

OP, I stopped reading when you told us you lived in the SF Bay Area. That's all I needed to know.
Speaking of tac-ti-cool... I'm surprised we haven't seen a Bond movie, or some other action flick where the hero gets shot at, and he/she blocks the bullet with their Rolex/Omega/etc. wrist watch. We may even get a new caseback, "The First Watch That Stops Bullets".

btw - if this has already been done in a movie, let us know where, I'd get a hoot out of seeing it.

Already done in "Live and Let Die" -- although Bond deflected the bullet with the magnet in his Q-Branch Rolex:


The story is available at the above link..

Trash. And they should all be hung in the public square. Oh, pooooor lads. Got bills to pay. Get a real job or walk off a pier but leave the people who want to get by in this world without violence out of your games without rules.
Well, it’s finally happened. I’ve stopped wearing Rolexes.

In my local area (SF Bay Area), there’ve been at least five reported armed robberies of Rolexes every week. Some are ‘follow homes’, others are parking lot confrontations or sidewalk hold ups. Occasionally, people have been robbed while eating at restaurants, or waiting in their cars at stop lights. Typically, three or four individuals confront the victim(s) with guns. Although actual shootings are still rare, pistol whippings are the common result of any resistance. The news media all specifically identify Rolexes as the targeted watches, but none are more specific about which references.

I have no idea how much such these thieves know about watches, let alone vintage watches. I know that those Rolex crowns at the top of the dial can be particularly easy to spot. And certainly, I have no interest in risking being a victim of a violent crime simply because of the watch I’m wearing. As well, I hate being self-conscious and anxious because of what’s on my wrist. I’d be mortified to lose one of my favorites.

I assume that because chronographs can be so easy to spot, any Omega Speedmaster might be a target too.

So, instead, I’m wearing these two, which is no hardship to me. Both recent acquisitions, I love looking at them.

(I am a notorious black dial freak.)

I hate this development, but it’s not foreign to me, having grown up riding 1970’s NYC subways daily. Still, it sucks.

Anyone else put their Rolexes away due to the recent trend?

It's sad that crime has gotten so bad.. but honestly, every time I buy a new watch I think "how bad would it be if this got stolen" and if the answer isn't that bad, I buy 😉
The fruits of progressivism, voters in some jurisdictions support policies that result in these situations, they get what they voted for. When enough voters get tired of the mayhem on their streets things will change. London, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Paris and other joints are an absolute disaster now, but look who's running them. I just avoid these dumps right now. And if you are going out to an expensive restaurant or going clubbing use a little common sense, don't strap on that £15,000 Rolex or AP, be aware of your situation and act accordingly. Don't help yourself become a victim.
... voters in some jurisdictions support policies that result in these situations, they get what they voted for. When enough voters get tired of the mayhem on their streets things will change.

Amen, brother!

I've seen documentary recently ( in french ) about this rising trend of mugging expensive timepieces. At 09:53, the guy had this new idea of training dogs specifically against potential muggers! I find the idea quite cool and apparently there's an increasing demand for these 30k CHF companions. What a time to be alive!
Better to have a big scary-looking dog that's actually very friendly. You get all the deterrence with fewer lawsuits.
Amen, brother!

It's not shootings -- not in this particular story anyway, it's London. So it's almost all machete and knife attacks. (Oh, but but but big bad knives are banned in the UK! Yeah, much like gun laws in the USA, criminals do not care about any laws, surprising and shocking, crazy.)

If we allowed the police to be police and stopped letting criminals go free, there might be different things going on now.
Not crazy about where this thread is going.

This just happened last night, a robbery gone bad situation.

The cop is shining his light on the bushes outside my front door. There's a guy hiding in there.

Short story: 2 gun shots, lots of cops show up, this guy pulled from my bushes tells a story about 2 guys trying to rob him, which were the same two guys I saw run around the corner into the park 5 minutes earlier. He says he was hiding from the guys in the park. 🙄

After several hours, it was determined that it was a drug buy gone bad. One guy who ran into the park was caught and the other one drove away out the other side of the park.

No statement here about progressives or police not allowed to be police or loose gun laws. Just something strange that happened last night. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Edit: Police were great. Very thankful they were there. Putting their lives on the line because of a couple knuckleheads. They didn’t know if the guy in the bushes was armed or not. Plus, they do this day in and day out. Much respect and gratitude.
Not crazy about where this thread is going.

This just happened last night, a robbery gone bad situation.

The cop is shining his light on the bushes outside my front door. There's a guy hiding in there.

Short story: 2 gun shots, lots of cops show up, this guy pulled from my bushes tells a story about 2 guys trying to rob him, which were the same two guys I saw run around the corner into the park 5 minutes earlier. He says he was hiding from the guys in the park. 🙄

After several hours, it was determined that it was a drug buy gone bad. One guy who ran into the park was caught and the other one drove away out the other side of the park.

No statement here about progressives or police not allowed to be police or loose gun laws. Just something strange that happened last night. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Damn. Too close to home! PacNW has become quite the area too.
Damn. Too close to home! PacNW has become quite the area too.

Starting to feel like Jersey 😁
On the subject, this video from the BBC
I stopped reading this repetitive thread. But did see the article on the BBC world news last night. So figured that is why this thread was revived.

There are parts of SF I no longer bother to go to. Mostly because they are boring and I have already been there many times. The Dickens Fair is out at the "Cow Palace." So I do drive through 'the city' on the weekends. It is still pretty.

When one is inside the bubble it is hard to see outside it.

Too many journalists seem to think "Dog bites man." is a story. "Man bytes dog" is the correct answer. And that is rare. This is just another "Dog bytes man" story.

I also read the Fortiean times chats. What is the frog index today? Are there still rains of blood in England? Stones falling from the sky?
The fruits of progressivism, voters in some jurisdictions support policies that result in these situations, they get what they voted for. When enough voters get tired of the mayhem on their streets things will change. London, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Paris and other joints are an absolute disaster now, but look who's running them.

And Miami and Dallas, for example, are much safer without all that progressivism, the latter with 3x NYCs homicide rate? I can’t follow that logic.

Same goes for police as a solution - doesn’t that just deal with a symptom, ignoring the source? Let the gap between the poor and the rich grow and see how long police can contain crime.
If I have cancer, I’d want the doctors to fight the desease, look at the root of the problem (you should stop smoking!) and not just hand me aspirin to make the smoking less painful.

Munich is by far the safest city with >1m citizens in Germany. It’s also the one with the lowest police per citizen ratio. By far. And it’s run by a government that would make US progressivism look pretty conservative in comparison.
Am I saying that recipe would work for every big city? Absolutely not. Because it’s not that easy.
So progressivism is the root cause of all this violence? So how does one explain that some of the most progressive societies in the world - all of the Scandinavian countries come to mind - have some of the lowest rates of violent crime? Coincidence? Dumb luck? I doubt it. Not looking to start a flame war/political discussion, but I’m finding it difficult to follow the logic expressed in some of the above posts without some facts to back it up. I’m all for law enforcement and aggressively punishing violent crime, but could there be some other factors that play a role here that the conservatives can’t reasonably lay at the feet of us bleeding heart liberals? Ok, I’ll be quiet now and go back to admiring my watch collection.
"The operation came after a number of celebrities, including the boxer Amir Kahn and the singer and broadcaster Aled Jones, were robbed of their luxury watches."

Mind you, it was only until the really rich started to get targeted so It's still not "us vs them" ... it's the elites (none of us) vs the plebs (all of us). Conservative vs liberal doesn't cut it in reality.
So apparently the trick is not to wear your Rolex or Patek out between 11 Pm and 4 AM Fridays and Saturdays…


Good to see the Met doing something about these thefts.

Not sure where the Guardian gets its numbers….The operation helped to reduce annual watch robberies from 113 to 55 in the year to July 2023 in three central London borough….

Yet from the BBC…In the past five years, 29,000 watches have been reported stolen to the Met, with one in five of those thefts involving violence, a Freedom of Information request by database The Watch Register found.

Not sure where the Guardian gets its numbers….The operation helped to reduce annual watch robberies from 113 to 55 in the year to July 2023 in three central London borough….

Yet from the BBC…In the past five years, 29,000 watches have been reported stolen to the Met, with one in five of those thefts involving violence, a Freedom of Information request by database The Watch Register found.

That sting operation is brilliant, hope they do more of it