@Makesbelieve, I don't feel unsafe but there is crime. In the last 20 years, these have happened:
My house was burglarized.
Several cars have been ransacked (maybe 8 times)
My truck was stolen out of a parking garage at work(recovered in a few days, probably joy riding)
My father in law had two catalytic converters stolen.
My father in law's handicap van was stolen and recovered but had to be scrapped due to missing parts and needles and trash throughout.
Visiting San Francisco, my family was assaulted by a street guy on drugs (we walked away but it was on the edge of getting physical.)
I had a coworker die of a murder suicide (her husband shot her first.)
Someone tried to steal the battery out of our Nissan Leaf that was parked in our driveway. In the morning, the car clunked when shifting so I took it to the dealer. The bottom cover had been removed amd a bolt taken out. They didn't get further probably because the battery pack was too heavy. I installed more lights and cameras afterwards.
For about a year, my next door neighbor was selling meth. They had small children in the house and there was activity at all hours. We met with police, long story, but at one time the police raided the house and I grabbed my daughter to shelter in the basement when I saw the AR15s swinging around and the bullhorn telling the occupants that they knew they were armed and to come out with arms raised. They are gone now and two architects from Brooklyn live there now.
The most recent was the shooting and attempted robbery of a drug deal a couple houses down with the dealer hiding in our bushes next to the sidewalk.
My friend's watch shop was broken into and he had to replace the doors and lost a few display items.
We actually live in a desirable part of town next to a large park with single family homes and pretty big lots for the city. There's lots of pedestrian traffic and recreational activity (bikes, joggers, hikers, dog walkers.) No homeless camps near us. But there's still crime. We don't think about crime but we are aware of our surroundings. It's a pretty area and we like visitors