With increased local armed robberies, I’m no longer wearing Rolexes

Just wear a nice coat to distract them…. And less chance of getting stabbed or shot as they won’t want to damage the coat :0)

Muggers are forcing passengers to surrender their Canada Goose and North Face puffer jackets, some of which can cost £1,500 or more

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/tube-crime-london-canada-goose-coats-north-face-airpods-phones-tfl-b1125392.html#:~:text=Young Londoners are being robbed,cost £1,500 or more.
Ms Hayward said the New York had a 37 per cent fare evasion rate on its buses, compared with 2.4 per cent on London buses. On the New York Subway, 13 per cent of fares were dodged – compared with 4.9 per cent on the London Underground.

Interesting statistic. Almost 40% of bus riders in New York are not paying the fare. I don't blame the bus drivers. Stabbing can happen at any moment. Just avoid eye contact and drive the bus.
Well, it’s finally happened. I’ve stopped wearing Rolexes.

In my local area (SF Bay Area), there’ve been at least five reported armed robberies of Rolexes every week. Some are ‘follow homes’, others are parking lot confrontations or sidewalk hold ups. Occasionally, people have been robbed while eating at restaurants, or waiting in their cars at stop lights. Typically, three or four individuals confront the victim(s) with guns. Although actual shootings are still rare, pistol whippings are the common result of any resistance. The news media all specifically identify Rolexes as the targeted watches, but none are more specific about which references.

I have no idea how much such these thieves know about watches, let alone vintage watches. I know that those Rolex crowns at the top of the dial can be particularly easy to spot. And certainly, I have no interest in risking being a victim of a violent crime simply because of the watch I’m wearing. As well, I hate being self-conscious and anxious because of what’s on my wrist. I’d be mortified to lose one of my favorites.

I assume that because chronographs can be so easy to spot, any Omega Speedmaster might be a target too.

So, instead, I’m wearing these two, which is no hardship to me. Both recent acquisitions, I love looking at them.

(I am a notorious black dial freak.)

I hate this development, but it’s not foreign to me, having grown up riding 1970’s NYC subways daily. Still, it sucks.

Anyone else put their Rolexes away due to the recent trend?

Similar stuff happening in Miami these days, a lot of dates/escorts/whatever are drugging men and stealing their watches. Along with the run of the mill robberies
Similar stuff happening in Miami these days, a lot of dates/escorts/whatever are drugging men and stealing their watches. Along with the run of the mill robberies

I know of a few stories about these type of scams. Criminals have attractive women (often Russians/Ukrainians) looking for men in upscale hotels/bars in big cities. There is always a ruse to get the marks to leave the original destination to go to another club or party spot where the crime occurs. I suspect the bartenders are in on the scam. There may be younger men with the girl or girls as well.

This happened to me in London at an upscale boutique hotel that was owned by Russians. Two hot girls and a dude tried to convince my friend and me to go out to a club that he "owned". At the time, I thought the scam was they were going to overcharge us $1,000 at the club, but the intent may have been more sinister.

Nothing more suspicious than young people trying to go out and party with middle-aged dudes. I also know of a guy who hooked up with a party group at an upscale SF hotel bar. The next day he missed his business conference, and he was located in a local hospital with a beat up face and robbed. This guy was a known alcoholic and drug user so poor life decisions did not surprise anybody.
Similar stuff happening in Miami these days, a lot of dates/escorts/whatever are drugging men and stealing their watches. Along with the run of the mill robberies
I'm sorry, if you are soliciting dates/escorts (i.e. hookers) for entertainment AND wearing an expensive watch, and probably carrying a wallet full of credit cards, and carrying an expensive phone, and probably having had too much to drink, you aren't thinking life through. And don't be surprised if you wind up minus the watch, the cards, the phone, and maybe wind up in the hospital. For God's sake, think and take control of your life. Use some common sense.
I know of a few stories about these type of scams. Criminals have attractive women (often Russians/Ukrainians) looking for men in upscale hotels/bars in big cities. There is always a ruse to get the marks to leave the original destination to go to another club or party spot where the crime occurs. I suspect the bartenders are in on the scam. There may be younger men with the girl or girls as well.

This happened to me in London at an upscale boutique hotel that was owned by Russians. Two hot girls and a dude tried to convince my friend and me to go out to a club that he "owned". At the time, I thought the scam was they were going to overcharge us $1,000 at the club, but the intent may have been more sinister.

Nothing more suspicious than young people trying to go out and party with middle-aged dudes. I also know of a guy who hooked up with a party group at an upscale SF hotel bar. The next day he missed his business conference, and he was located in a local hospital with a beat up face and robbed. This guy was a known alcoholic and drug user so poor life decisions did not surprise anybody.
I mean hey it’s a great ego boost to have an attractive younger women give you attention, but you have to be realistic about these things. Especially if you have money/valuable items on you.

I’ve lived in major cities now for 7/8 years and believe me no one wants to be your friend that much unless they want something from you!
I'm sorry, if you are soliciting dates/escorts (i.e. hookers) for entertainment AND wearing an expensive watch, and probably carrying a wallet full of credit cards, and carrying an expensive phone, and probably having had too much to drink, you aren't thinking life through. And don't be surprised if you wind up minus the watch, the cards, the phone, and maybe wind up in the hospital. For God's sake, think and take control of your life. Use some common sense.
True, but they target men who are usually easy targets, i.e. lonely in bars or they can literally drug them sometimes too. I’ve heard stories of dates through Hinge and other dating apps acting completely normal until the next morning and they wake up watch-less. So it’s not necessarily hookers, especially in Miami you just got to be aware of crooks in general
Wonder if the cops managed to get their "bait" Rolex watches at retail from an AD? Or did they go grey market? Or maybe they used high end fake watches? 😁

Wouldn't be surprised if the met were sitting on a bunch of recovered watches that "can't" be united with their original owners.
Another BBC video on the subject
The product of lots of drug use there. A barely functioning person.
The product of lots of drug use there. A barely functioning person.

Perhaps, yet that scumsucking twatwaffle gang leader seemed pretty clear in his motivations to me. Not the least bit wasted. That said, he had no moral compass; indeed, when asked, he was astonished anyone would even consider the concept of guilt or remorse.

He professed his disdain for those with 'money and nice things he didn't have growing up', but completely misses the irony of him now having nice things and lots of money. What an asshole. At least I don't have to worry since he ".....won't steal anything under £10K".
Not sure where the Guardian gets its numbers….The operation helped to reduce annual watch robberies from 113 to 55 in the year to July 2023 in three central London borough….

Yet from the BBC…In the past five years, 29,000 watches have been reported stolen to the Met, with one in five of those thefts involving violence, a Freedom of Information request by database The Watch Register found.


Happy to report that Kensington and Chelsea now appear safe ;0)…for Omega fans anyway…
"Two weeks ago, the US Embassy in Colombia issued a warning about the suspicious deaths of eight US citizens in Medellín. Several of the deaths, which took place in November and December, “point to possible drugging, robbery and overdose,” the security alert read, “and several involve the use of online dating applications.”

"The targets are foreigners or wealthy-seeming Colombians, typically men, using Tinder or other dating apps. They match with a woman, who, at some point during their date, gives them a drink or food laced with powerful sedatives such as scopolamine. The incapacitated marks are then robbed of their wallets, phone and other electronics. Ideally, from the point of view of the robbers, the victims are conscious enough to provide their bank account PIN or crypto wallet passwords, so those can be emptied, too. But if the robbers err too much in the other direction, the dosages are lethal, as they were in the horrifying 2022 case of a 27-year-old American named Paul Nguyen."

It sounds like you're all living in some weird parallel universe... or at least a new episode of Mad Max...

Living 20 years in Hamburg (Germany's second largest city) I never encountered any of this violence or criminal behavior and never felt threatened or intimidated by that city or any other mainland European city. I definitely never thought twice about what jewelry or clothing I was wearing when out and about in Europe. I now live in a capital city at the arse end of the world (New Zealand) and life isn't any different.

I'm not saying that either of these countries are devoid of crime, we have our issues too but as a regular Joe navigating the city in a responsible way (i.e. not wandering down dark alleys) I have never encountered the type of wanton violence and crime you guys are all referring to... and yes, I've been to the US and London.

I'm perhaps lucky and exhibiting my privilege, but it makes me wonder if the majority of people commenting on this overly long thread have actually ever experienced this behavior firsthand. I don't doubt that this stuff is happening and that it's happened to a couple of you here but part of me thinks that 99% of this thread is just recycled TV sensationalism and not what you're experiencing on a daily basis.
@Makesbelieve, I don't feel unsafe but there is crime. In the last 20 years, these have happened:

My house was burglarized.

Several cars have been ransacked (maybe 8 times)

My truck was stolen out of a parking garage at work(recovered in a few days, probably joy riding)

My father in law had two catalytic converters stolen.

My father in law's handicap van was stolen and recovered but had to be scrapped due to missing parts and needles and trash throughout.

Visiting San Francisco, my family was assaulted by a street guy on drugs (we walked away but it was on the edge of getting physical.)

I had a coworker die of a murder suicide (her husband shot her first.)

Someone tried to steal the battery out of our Nissan Leaf that was parked in our driveway. In the morning, the car clunked when shifting so I took it to the dealer. The bottom cover had been removed amd a bolt taken out. They didn't get further probably because the battery pack was too heavy. I installed more lights and cameras afterwards.

For about a year, my next door neighbor was selling meth. They had small children in the house and there was activity at all hours. We met with police, long story, but at one time the police raided the house and I grabbed my daughter to shelter in the basement when I saw the AR15s swinging around and the bullhorn telling the occupants that they knew they were armed and to come out with arms raised. They are gone now and two architects from Brooklyn live there now.

The most recent was the shooting and attempted robbery of a drug deal a couple houses down with the dealer hiding in our bushes next to the sidewalk.

My friend's watch shop was broken into and he had to replace the doors and lost a few display items.

We actually live in a desirable part of town next to a large park with single family homes and pretty big lots for the city. There's lots of pedestrian traffic and recreational activity (bikes, joggers, hikers, dog walkers.) No homeless camps near us. But there's still crime. We don't think about crime but we are aware of our surroundings. It's a pretty area and we like visitors 😁
We actually live in a desirable part of town

I'd hate to see the non-desirable part of your town.
I'd hate to see the non-desirable part of your town.

I think that's it, that there's a feeling that crime is ubiquitous. There isn't a good side of town and a bad side. Without trying to identify causes, there's a feeling that something is broken.

But, my mother grew up in Germany during WWII. For my grandparents, civilization was ending. Whenever I start thinking things are not like the good old days, for perspective, I think about my mom and all the history of turmoil all around the world. Peaceful times are the anamoly and something to be grateful for.
@Makesbelieve, I don't feel unsafe but there is crime. In the last 20 years, these have happened:

My house was burglarized.

Several cars have been ransacked (maybe 8 times)

My truck was stolen out of a parking garage at work(recovered in a few days, probably joy riding)

My father in law had two catalytic converters stolen.

My father in law's handicap van was stolen and recovered but had to be scrapped due to missing parts and needles and trash throughout.

Visiting San Francisco, my family was assaulted by a street guy on drugs (we walked away but it was on the edge of getting physical.)

I had a coworker die of a murder suicide (her husband shot her first.)

Someone tried to steal the battery out of our Nissan Leaf that was parked in our driveway. In the morning, the car clunked when shifting so I took it to the dealer. The bottom cover had been removed amd a bolt taken out. They didn't get further probably because the battery pack was too heavy. I installed more lights and cameras afterwards.

For about a year, my next door neighbor was selling meth. They had small children in the house and there was activity at all hours. We met with police, long story, but at one time the police raided the house and I grabbed my daughter to shelter in the basement when I saw the AR15s swinging around and the bullhorn telling the occupants that they knew they were armed and to come out with arms raised. They are gone now and two architects from Brooklyn live there now.

The most recent was the shooting and attempted robbery of a drug deal a couple houses down with the dealer hiding in our bushes next to the sidewalk.

My friend's watch shop was broken into and he had to replace the doors and lost a few display items.

We actually live in a desirable part of town next to a large park with single family homes and pretty big lots for the city. There's lots of pedestrian traffic and recreational activity (bikes, joggers, hikers, dog walkers.) No homeless camps near us. But there's still crime. We don't think about crime but we are aware of our surroundings. It's a pretty area and we like visitors 😁

With druggies moving out so architects can move in…………with the likes of cyclists and joggers lurking about…….sounds like the neighbourhood is in serious decline!
It sounds like you're all living in some weird parallel universe... or at least a new episode of Mad Max...

Living 20 years in Hamburg (Germany's second largest city) I never encountered any of this violence or criminal behavior and never felt threatened or intimidated by that city or any other mainland European city. I definitely never thought twice about what jewelry or clothing I was wearing when out and about in Europe. I now live in a capital city at the arse end of the world (New Zealand) and life isn't any different.

I'm not saying that either of these countries are devoid of crime, we have our issues too but as a regular Joe navigating the city in a responsible way (i.e. not wandering down dark alleys) I have never encountered the type of wanton violence and crime you guys are all referring to... and yes, I've been to the US and London.

I'm perhaps lucky and exhibiting my privilege, but it makes me wonder if the majority of people commenting on this overly long thread have actually ever experienced this behavior firsthand. I don't doubt that this stuff is happening and that it's happened to a couple of you here but part of me thinks that 99% of this thread is just recycled TV sensationalism and not what you're experiencing on a daily basis.

I have experienced it, and it was not a good experience. A Rolex was literally ripped off my wrist in the middle of the day on a broad main street in central Naples when we were in Italy some years ago. I chased the bastard but ended up in an ambulance. The emergency doctor said I was lucky not to be knifed.

Since then I wear a quartz titanium Traser whenever travelling overseas. As for Naples, nothing could persuade me to return.