Oh snap love the hands on that such a nice looking piece. Cool someone resurrected this old thread. I’m on the hunt for something a little nicer I have abstained on purchases since my modern railmaster which wasn’t horribly expensive. I was just looking at Breitlings.
I had a traumatic event with my speedy date, of it I can’t speak as the pain is far too great, I probably feel how Lincoln felt during the toughest days of the civil war. Ok that’s going to far and apologies to
All the civil war vets here I meant no offense. Anyway I get myself into paralysis by analysis as I focus on one thing research it online then another timepiece pops up and it’s repeat process,
It kinda sucks I need to rely on the internet as I’m my area there are few if any places to try on models and it’s really not enjoyable to hop in the car or train to go to NYC where I could try such things. I do want to spend a day at the Bronx Zoo this spring so perhaps I could tie something together.
Actually all I wanted to say was cool looking watch but as always words from the dimension in which I reside pop in I do apologize for inflecting such terror on you. Ok I had a medical thing this AM so I’m “working from home” please bother me not with anymore watches of interest. Thank you.
PS I may purchase a vintage Rado as I continue my buying abstinence as I saw a very nice deal last night.