2024 has been quite a bit more about selling than it has been about buying. Not for lack of trying, though. One of my all-time-favourites (something involving an orange hand) now also ranks on the 'the ones that got away' list, next to a plethora of 2998's, unfortunately.
Admittedly, I dragged feet a little to answer to
@MtV 's annual question. Not quite because of the one that got away, but for another good reason as my last acquisition of the year was still on its way to me. And made it just in time, on the last Speedy Tuesday of the year.
So, my favourite acquisitions of the year;
Not one, but two lovely early 70s Speedmasters
With the 145.022-71 on the left beating its later sibling 145.022-74 on the right, by just about a week. Both in very, very good condition and both on original bracelets. Thanks
@Davidt for letting me have that gorgeous 145.022-71.
😀 The picture doesn't do either of the watches justice, but we simply don't have a lot of light to work with at this time of year...
Another Speedmaster (and a rare one too)
Needs a mention, even though it already had to make way for an even nicer specimen, which is due to arrive shortly. One of the 1000 345.0808's of the first series with copper plated movement. Those on the know, know.
Most knowing me know that Speedmasters have my main focus. Sometimes I do deviate, though...
Lastly, the ultimate festive watch for me... a 60s 18K Constellation
Came to me earlier this year, with full set (yes, up to and including the hangtag) which was originally what attracted me to it on the mediocre auction pictures. As soon as it arrived, I found out about the amazing original condition, lovely patina and downright charm. This one is definitely a keeper.
All in all, certainly a year not to complain about! Looking ahead at 2025, I will need to thin the herd a bit more. Perhaps.
For now; have a lovely New Years Eve and a Happy New Year, all!