I have also been using eBay since the late 1990s. It was always a bit of the wild west with scammers and such. Often the shipping and handling was padded to make up for low bids.
I never saw a watch listing that was not suspect. My inbox was full of watch scams.
Then people became real sensitive about the feedback. I tend to like to use neutral in surveys for average response. On eBay this was akin to negitive feedback. Rendering the whole system worthless.
Still it is addicive and seductive in it's own weird way. Back then I used it mostly for fabric and lace purchases. Sometime the occasional music disk or roll.
I bought a bunch of rare stuff at an estate sale. Specialized pipe organ stuff. So I tended to use it more for selling.
It was not until the last 5 years I started using it for cameras. On my return from Switzerland in 2022 I made my first watch purchase. Probably a good thing, as I am now totally addicted. On the other hand I would have had 20 years of junk had I taken the plunge back then.
The pipe organs/ and merry go round instruments do take up a lot of space ...