What Did you Buy Recently, Watch Related But Not A Watch?

i bought a monthly Italian magazine collection about watch (”l’orologio) from 1992 to 2010.
It is interesting to discover particular reference and old advertising.
There is also focus on caliber and the brands.
I got this pocket watch display case made. He can make cases for various sized watches and you get to pick wood species and felt color. It is pretty cool. DM me if you want the guys contact info.

Got an unexpected xmas gift card from work, so I bought myself a cheap watch box on Amazon, but I'm happy enough with it.

Yeah, there's a couple of junkers in there (and space reserved for my Chronomat currently at the spa) but they'll get relegated soon enough.
I was looking at my old photographs of watch factories. I have been feeling I wanted better lighting so I used some of my christmas gift for a new bench lamp. I could not decide which one I liked better, so I got both.

And for the record. The bench lamps are most prevelent in the photographs.

Notice how surgically clean the Lemania factory is.
And for the record. The bench lamps are most prevelent in the photographs.

Notice how surgically clean the Lemania factory is.

Wait, is that dandruff in my movement and where's that long black hair from?
Nice vintage Constellation leather watch box, without the watch holder but I still like it. Room for two to snuggle in there. I think it matches my fathers Connie we will find out

Finally ordered.
Now how many watches will I order between now and the time these tools arrive which may or may not fix the hairsprings in the watches I have.
Then the suppler does not list pattern 'F' hand tweezers, so now I need to find a supplier who does.

And people wonder why watchmakers charge so much.
More watches arrived today from post Christmas splurge.

First which is actually is how to properly pack a balance complete. Comes with some spare parts as well. I should have the other parts needed. Now I need a 2577 case.

The next are some more dust movements. A 483 and a 440 backwinder. Hard to get good shots of these small movements. I have always been curious as to backwinders.

The rest of the stuff is garbage. Which is why this is not a watch.
At least the auction photos showed this clinker brick. I wanted the backwinder.

This is how not to franken a watch. Looks like someone took a dremel to the dial. Not sure why the other gears were in the package. But I tend to slip in unwanted things as well.

These are practice movements anyway. At 30 bucks + S&H that is 15 for each of the omega's which is a decent price. I have some more fun dust to store.

Finally here.
They took the grand tour of the nation to get here.

Guess it is alright showing my city and zip. Since I pinned it to the map. Must watch out for those who will want to roll me for my tweezers. But these are sharp as a needle. Interesting I was going to buy the anti Magnetic SS ones but they only had one. The box (which was nice enough to send says Quantity 12, So I guess these are popular.

I also got a #7 one of the You tubers uses this style (In Bronze.) the material house did not have the Hand manipulating tweezers. Will have to wait as I went ahead and bid to win for some more Val-72 screws.

Now I feel more comfortable putting the un-ground pepper seeds into the Evap O Rust.

While waiting for this I did more research on the Tag/Heuer's I got this week. Much different attitude over on the THF. They basically came out and simply said that they were a social club where purchasing junk watches and spending more to restore them was boring. Oh well one can not have everything. At least purchasing said watches I know know what reference numbers to use for searching other online sites.

It is amazing how volatile the watch market is. And how competitive. Small details can make such huge differences.

Finally here.
They took the grand tour of the nation to get here.

Guess it is alright showing my city and zip. Since I pinned it to the map. Must watch out for those who will want to roll me for my tweezers. But these are sharp as a needle. Interesting I was going to buy the anti Magnetic SS ones but they only had one. The box (which was nice enough to send says Quantity 12, So I guess these are popular.

I also got a #7 one of the You tubers uses this style (In Bronze.) the material house did not have the Hand manipulating tweezers. Will have to wait as I went ahead and bid to win for some more Val-72 screws.

Now I feel more comfortable putting the un-ground pepper seeds into the Evap O Rust.

While waiting for this I did more research on the Tag/Heuer's I got this week. Much different attitude over on the THF. They basically came out and simply said that they were a social club where purchasing junk watches and spending more to restore them was boring. Oh well one can not have everything. At least purchasing said watches I know know what reference numbers to use for searching other online sites.

It is amazing how volatile the watch market is. And how competitive. Small details can make such huge differences.

Having a good set of tweezers is like having a third far more useful hand.
I imagine it's much the same for watchmaking as it is for me in electronics.
During a day of work I would have tweezers firmly in hand for more than 80% of the time.
Not wishing to relinquish them to the work bench I will use them very effectively on tasks where other normal folk would be using their hands and fingers, they have never discovered the joys and unrealized aptitudes a well crafted tweezer can bring to every task.

Enjoy you new dexterity.
Having a good set of tweezers is like having a third far more useful hand.
I imagine it's much the same for watchmaking as it is for me in electronics.
During a day of work I would have tweezers firmly in hand for more than 80% of the time.
Not wishing to relinquish them to the work bench I will use them very effectively on tasks where other normal folk would be using their hands and fingers, they have never discovered the joys and unrealized aptitudes a well crafted tweezer can bring to every task.

Enjoy you new dexterity.
I just have to keep the soldering iron away from these. Hairspring only for the Dumont #5. I have quite a few tweezers I use for electronics. I can work down to 604, although I tend to use 805. These days 1206 look ginormous.
Same, I tend to stick to 0805, 0603 is doable but below that and its just like grains of sand, haven't used 1206 since the 80's except of course where you have power dissipation requirements.
All those require fine SS tweezers, my main tweezers that I use is built like a brick *hit house and gets to do jobs that most people would use long nose pliers on, be absolutely lost without them.