I get the whimsical. The first watch I ever bought bought with my own money was a Swatch in the '80s. And these releases in and off themselves don't upset me. They're fine. Nice even.
What I object to it the lack of effort in marketing them. "MoonSwatch", please !? Why not just go with "NFTs", or whatever other zeitgeist catchphrase Ed in marketing suggests. I've got the cash. Put the effort in and sell me something. Not this low effort nonsense.
The "community" embracing this rubbish just upsells to other watches, and makes any watch hard to come by, or over-priced on the secondary market. Surely there was a time buying a watch was a whimsical endeavor. Like buying a Swatch. Now I have to go on a wait list for a "MoonSwatch"!??? No thank you. Y'all are suckers.
*Winky emoji in case you think I'm invested. I am not.