Using the chrono function stops Speedy

I can’t quite see why, maybe you think posting random pictures of your watches in a thread about a technical issue is deserving? I know what a Speedy looks like thanks. And to others posting pics, nice watches but WHY are you showing them to everyone in this thread? weird.
Back to my original, polite and non snarky request for help, I have managed to find a reply by Archer to someone with a similar issue and will suggest it to them when I take it in for warranty work this week. Thank you to all who a/ managed not to post a picture of their watch and b/ to those who managed a reply without sounding like a ####. I should have known better.

For someone who doesn't like what anyone here says, you do keep coming back for more answers. Your OP was very short and didn't actually provide much info to go on.

That being said, have you actually contacted your Omega AD yet?
For someone who doesn't like what anyone here says, you do keep coming back for more answers. Your OP was very short and didn't actually provide much info to go on.

That being said, have you actually contacted your Omega AD yet?

Not true as I appreciated and thanked those that contributed relevant info instead of being smart ###### but you must have missed that in my post that you referenced. Yes I’ve contacted the service center and will drop it off this week.
Some of these rep;ies remind me instantly why I don’t do watch forums that much! My original post gives the info. Yes the watch is wound. Fully every day when I’m wearing it ! New in 2019. Worn probably for less than 6 months out of the 3 years since new and ONLY recently started to do this. YES I will get it sorted under warranty however I was hoping someone (maybe Archer) could help explain it. Of course I cannot fix it from advice, I’m not a watch maker or tech’ so any suggestions are more for informative value rather than diy fix it!

I feel for you OP. There’s sometimes a feeling of disbelief that accompanies these instances... Your trusty watch - a deeply personal effect you’ve worn hundreds of times - does something really weird long before it’s supposed to be acting up. Still in a state of disbelief, but wanting to know more, you write a post, and everyone cheekily points out the obvious (SEND IT IN!)… meanwhile, we’re still in the denial stage of grieving for having to send our watch in for a service!;) I’ve had the same thing happen before. (PS- your chrono issue indeed sounds really odd).

Glad it’s still under warranty for you. Hope you get it back soon.
After the chrono stopped the watch (got it on video) it seems that starting and stopping it several times allowed the watch to run ok. I let the chrono run for a full 12 hours and now it does not stop the watch when I first try it in the morning. Obviously not exercising the chrono function once in a while allows the oil to perhaps go off a little. I will now keep an eye on it and if, approaching my 5 year warranty point, it does it again, I will take it in. As a side note, loving the Forstner strap I bought for it!
After the chrono stopped the watch (got it on video) it seems that starting and stopping it several times allowed the watch to run ok. I let the chrono run for a full 12 hours and now it does not stop the watch when I first try it in the morning. Obviously not exercising the chrono function once in a while allows the oil to perhaps go off a little. I will now keep an eye on it and if, approaching my 5 year warranty point, it does it again, I will take it in. As a side note, loving the Forstner strap I bought for it!
Hope it works out for you and good that you still have some of the warranty period left. As others have said, if in doubt, take it in. Problems with movements are generally not self curing and tend to get worse if not promptly attended to. It's a nice watch, so better to err on the side of caution especially when a warranty service isn't going to cost you anything.
Hope it works out for you and good that you still have some of the warranty period left. As others have said, if in doubt, take it in. Problems with movements are generally not self curing and tend to get worse if not promptly attended to. It's a nice watch, so better to err on the side of caution especially when a warranty service isn't going to cost you anything.

Indeed, so I might as well do the service under warranty at the end of the 5 years!
It’s partially wound.
Does it do this with a full wind?

Since this is pretty much normal behavior when a watch is almost out of power.
Just take it in for warranty. That's why it is there. It is quite unfortunate, but if a 3-year old watch is not operating correctly when fully wound, something is wrong. I hope you have an OB/AD nearby. Good luck!
As can be read above, normal operation has been restored on a FULL wind. I will run it until 4 years 10-11 months and take it in thereby maximising warranty UNLESS it stops again sooner. Thanks all.
As can be read above, normal operation has been restored on a FULL wind. I will run it until 4 years 10-11 months and take it in thereby maximising warranty UNLESS it stops again sooner. Thanks all.
Getting the watch serviced by Omega gives you some warranty for work completed to. I think it is 24 months but depends on where you are
And…..the saga continues. Some days it works and others it stops so given how much an independant service is I will continue with plan A and take it in around the end of original warranty and hopefully get an Omega service center warranty when I take it in. Meanwhile I await the arrival of my US1168 Soyuz bracelet. Tried original with adjustable clasp mod (too heavy) and doesnt suit the watch imo. Omega 1171, US 1171 and US flat link, both superb and last try was a Forstner JB mesh and still looking for my ultimate bracelet!