Bastard developers, it would be only fair to fell them with a chainsaw, but for some strange reason under the law they’re a protected species.
A jihad on developers……. The greedy pricks come into an area, bugger it up and piss off with their profits leaving the locals to put up with extra traffic, increased demand for services and some bloody awful shoddily built eyesore blotting the landscape.
For some reason that I can’t quite fathom, there has been a trend here in Oz that whenever a house is demolished in order to build a new one, every part of the existing garden is removed, not so much as a blade of grass left standing.
Leaving the site a wasteland.
Right up to the fence lines, indeed the fences are undermined by the excavations and collapse.
Now I understand that some clearance is needed to do foundations, drainage and services, but they even take out the bits of the garden well away from the construction, leaving the new residents to live in mud and filth until they can get a garden established, which always takes years.
Maybe it would be better to have some shade from existing trees, and some grass and shrubs to kick start the new garden, anything that isn’t wanted can be removed as you go.