Today's Constelation C-case Find

I agree, it's fine to post on watches you're interested in. Here's a piece on C-Shapes. Feel free to scan it and perhaps take up MIke's suggestion of posting your critique of a piece and inviting further observations etc. You know, "teach a man to fish...etc" ๐Ÿ˜€

I receive a mountain of emails from people wanting me to act as their unofficial 'technical advisor' on Constellations, but I get very few return emails thanking me for my time, and so I now email back asking for their detailed appraisal which I'll comment on. Sorts the fisherman out from those who just want a free meal ๐Ÿ˜€



Thanks for this post. I have read many of the articles on your blog & find them interesting & helpful. So much to learn, but many members are helpful and tolerant of my many inquiries. Being a newbie to Omega is humbling with the amount of information available and even more information shared from experience. ๐Ÿ‘