Landing at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport runway 13 was hairy enough in a B747. Coming in low over the city before a sharp right hand turn pretty much straight on to the runway threshold. But in a Concorde? Wow...
Is it a better idea to learn on a single engine aircraft than a twin?
I love the Diamond DA-62 but they make a single called the DA-40 which MSFS2020 has in the standard package.
Or doesn't it matter? I suppose there is more to learn with the twin as there is procedure for what to do if one engine goes out.
Also, with many modern planes all using Garmin displays, does that make "6-packs" increasingly obsolete? Which should a new pilot learn on? I would think it's better to learn on the traditional equipment so you really understand what it's doing, then moving to electronic only will make more sense.
(kind of like learning photography on film before going digital)
Personally, I think it would be better to learn on a single engined aircraft first to get your PPL/CPL and then add a twin endorsement afterwards. When you're a student pilot, you've already got your hands full with just flying and navigating, without having to contend with the added complexity of a twin engined craft. Twin engined craft also tend to have higher performance than most single engined GA trainers, so things happen a lot more quickly when you fly them. Not ideal for students.
With regards to instruments and avionics, I'd prefer to learn on a traditional 6-pack rather than an LCD screen in front of me. I'm old school I guess. It teaches you how to develop a good scan pattern, especially when you're learning to fly on instruments only.
Does "scan patterns" essentially mean, keeping a look at all the dials?
And in terms of single engine aircraft, are they much the same , ie, a Cesna or a DA-20? (from reading it seems the DA-20 now uses G500TXi Avionics but the older ones use dials I think. I agree that I'd rather learn on dials, then take that knoweldge and apply to computerized Garmin screens later.
I've flown the DA20. It's not a bad trainer, but does have some, if you go mixture full rich per the before landing checklist and then initiate a go-around, that Continental 240 will cough on you. Best to leave the mixture leaned out a bit. Also, it's the only airplane I've ever flown where sometimes (emphasis on sometimes) you need opposite rudder to stay coordinated.
I'd highly recommend training in a single first if for no other reason than cost. Beyond that, let's say you do have a pile of cash lying about: even if you did all your training in a twin from the start, and you pass your check ride at 100 hours (which would be my estimate for learning in a twin), no one will insure you in one.
Will also add my $0.02 on another aircraft to avoid. Might get roasted for this, but it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Stay away from primary training in a Cirrus. You need to learn how to fly an airplane, not how to use fancy avionics. The Cirrus has too much power that students can use to salvage a maneuver and form bad techniques. So rather than learning proper techniques, they don't even realize they formed a bad habit. Then they hop into a lower performance more ponies to save the day and they bend something (at best).
I think the DA20 would do just fine, but if you can find a local CFI with a 152 or 172 or a Cherokee that might be a little cheaper, that's money saved and a good decision.
PS you'll always wish you started sooner, so get after it!
Interesting about the insurance aspect, never considerred that. I assumed in aviation, once you have you certificate for a particlar craft, that the insurance is flat rate for anybody.
So it works like cars does it, even in aviation?