Just noticed the Handley Page Victor in the Vulcan post above.
Australia, about 1957 or 1958, a town in the outback, about halfway between Woomera and Adelaide.
Imagine a barefoot kid of about 11 or 12, walking on a dusty road on the way home from school one afternoon.
Hearing an unusual noise behind him he turned and saw, very low in the sky, a huge silver space ship coming toward him.
It was nothing he'd ever seen the like of before, a needle sharp nose, more windscreens than even Dan Dare's ship had and engines that had no "throb", just a deep growl. Watching the thing approach he was almost transfixed and just stood in the middle of the dusty road.
Things that flew overhead in those days were nothing more exotic that Dakotas (C47s), the occasional Tiger Moth, and sometimes, a flight of Mustangs heading North, so this thing was almost beyond imagination.
The huge silver machine seemed to loom larger and larger as it got closer, and then it was overhead and slowly shrinking in size, the beautiful swept wings and T tail the last fading sighting.
It must have been the encounter so many years ago that triggered that young kid's interest in aeroplanes and aviation and led to him serving in the Fleet Air Arm and the Air Force, and even obtaining his private pilot licence.