A priest is placing prayer books in pews when a man with no arms walks into the church. The priest asks if he needs any help and man says his lifelong dream is to ring the bell of this church. The priest is skeptical since the man has no arms but man assures him has figured out a way to do it, and if they can go up the steeple he can demonstrate.
They proceed to climb the long flight of winding stairs up the steeple and the man stands in front of the bell, tilts his upper body back, and with all his might slams his face into the bell. The bell makes a loud bong noise, swings away from the man, then swings back hitting the man in the face again, sending him tumbling off the steeple to the cobblestones below. The priest runs down the stairs in a panic to the man on the street who is clearly dead.
A small crowd had gathered and someone in the crowd asks the priest “Father do you know this man?” The priest responds “Not really, but his face rings a bell”