State of the forum

Join the Truffle forum.....lots of Money on the line..... Pigs versus dogs...... Black against White truffles..... 100% misinformation where to find them.....
Obviously black truffle, and a good pig is worth a dozen well trained dogs. The dog is doing it for approval from its owner, the pig is doing it because desperately wants a mate, the latter is the more trustworthy motivator.
Still pretty Clint Eastwood here like always 😗

(The good the bad and the ugly)

That doesn’t really sound right to me as we’ve even gone to the extent having to get legal advice to repel threats and demands regarding watch discussions and the most contentious one I know of is still up to this day. What I will say is people can often try to do it in the for sales thread itself which is against the FS rules and we’ve often cleaned up those threads and asked people to take it to the vintage omega forum to create a new thread discussing it. There are also some cases where a guy will knowingly go “is this perfect mint condition ck2998 that I’m considering selling (pm me) real?” Which us just a way some people try to take take the piss by holding a silent auction by pm since they don’t have the 200 posts to make a listing. Those get deleted too along with potentially the persons account if they’re a new user taking the piss as its also a giant fraud risk.

Have you seen what these guys have done to my Seiko FS thread.

Heavens i say heavens, all of them….


Nooo, just kidding I like the attention.
Squirrel! I hate squirrels! (See avatar picture and Up movie from Disney for context) And now back to your regularly scheduled thread...