·To pee or not to pee.....zatisse ze kouestion....
This man’s haircut is something else. I can only imagine he saw a British barrister’s wig and asked his hairdresser to make that happen. I can’t even pay attention to what he’s saying due to those locks.
If the consigned watches don't reappear soon, there will be hell toupee.
Just saw this on TRF. Take it with a grain of salt.
In instances like this they need to really not be ready to take action but just do it and get both their lawyers and law enforcement involved because there is no story or small trickle of returned watches that will resolve this for them.
it’s a toupee
That all is 10 yrs in the past. Maybe he has gotten his life together now?
Shows a lot of trust on people’s side to test my hypothesis.
Call me old-fashioned — but I prefer not to do business with people with that kind of past history, even if they got their act together.
Call me old-fashioned — but I prefer not to do business with people with that kind of past history, even if they got their act together.
Buy watches, keep them.
It is that easy to not get scammed.
We started this YouTube channel so we could build your trust.