So... any of our members here have an interest in firearms?

This is a watch forum in case you haven´t noticed?

If you don’t like this thread, don’t read it.
Isn´t it about good time to close this thread?

Maybe you guys can start a separate forum for guns?
Wouldn't it be far easier for you to just find a different thread to read.
There are many thing tangent to watch ownership.

We have a What Are You Drinking thread.....
We have a What are you Listening To thread......
Car threads......

We could delete all those threads too if they are offensive
Gotta be careful with using contrived outrage in attempts to compel compliance with ones' personal views. It can turn on ya'.

Sure do love seeing that "pinned barrel" Smith & Wesson Model 36.
two classics
This is a watch forum in case you haven´t noticed?
Dear Marturx,
You should take note of a couple of important facts. 1. This thread was started by one of the guys who started/runs this entire forum. You could message him (trev) and make your case directly. 2. Well, number 1. was sufficient, right?
Isn´t it about good time to close this thread?

Maybe you guys can start a separate forum for guns?

You're just being facetious, right? (Since it is a gun thread, we need a gun picture!)

This is a watch forum in case you haven´t noticed?
Right on. If someone has a gun, I'm gonna watch 'em until I know what's up.
There are similarities apparent to me, as a long time firearms enthusiast and new timepiece enthusiast, between the two. Both are manufactured in varying degrees of cost, craftsmanship, scarcity, purpose, collectibility, accessibility, range and intention of use, etc. A discussion of watches on a gun forum won't give the breadth and depth of insight as in a watch forum, and vice versa. I abhor some of the attitudes and activities I've witnessed on gun forums (fora?)...and have also gained insight I likely wouldn't elsewhere. Firearms discussion on a watch forum helps me find a new way to appreciate and blend my interests (and vice versa, again). Thus, it seems a very useful and reasonable overlap, as it seems there's only a few threads dedicated mostly to firearms here. No indication I've seen that the firearms threads detract from tradtional watch forum interests.
My point is, this is a watch enthusiast forum. That is what unite us

When we´re discussing politics or religion or ethnicity or sexuality or race or whatever else, things tend to go out of control and create conflict. Weapon is a controversial topic if you ask me. Many bad things has happened recently because of firearms accessible to the public, take the New Zealand terrorist for example. See all the school shootings in the US. See Breivik in Norway.

It´s not that simple as me not reading this thread, because I haven´t, it´s just because it pops up all the time when I press the Latest button

I mean it seriously, pls mods, Trev, and all interested in guns, it´s been 7 years, why can´t you take this discussion to a sub forum or a forum of its own? Seems like it´s enough interest to make that forum going on its own merits
Well, friend, we are just a few of the hundred millions of law abiding gun owners around the world...and also like collecting watches, and who appreciate a venue on our favorite forum in which to honorably talk about both.

You don't even like the topic and you're the one entering a political view and criminal aspects....I think I speak for everyone here that we don't appreciate feel free to not participate. We won't mind.
Are you simply not going to be happy until you you see the thread banished? So you raise enough of a stink and create conflict, is that it?

It's a tangent to the main focus of the Forum, but this thread contains some of the best firearms folks and talk on the internet. Better than many firearms forums. Who'd have thought that watch people make the best mannered, most responsible firearms owners? This one thread doesn't need to be expanded, or disguised, or banished but rather left alone for those who wish to participate.
That it has been around for 7 years indicates it has a niche in 'what unites' some of the people on this forum. I can appreciate that guns are not for everybody, and of course would respect the mods' decisions if they made a choice about any content on any thread.

I encourage consideration of a perspective that 'what unites us' is also that we are interested in discussion of various topics in this type of setting. I'll happily hone my writing and thinking skills discussing topics on a wide variety of topics here, whether they are in support of a thread or its removal, or on topic.

Perhaps those who dislike encountering this forum's title as it occasionally pops up could start a thread reasoning out why certain topics should not be entertained, and what criteria might be useful in determining whether and for how long non-timepiece based threads should be entertained.
Back on topic...I have two pistols, and I am looking at a rifle next. Anybody have thoughts on 6.8mm rifles vs your standard 5.56mm? I'm intrigued with 6.8mm, and it could potentially become more mainstream. Looking forward to hearing from you all!
The more I think about it the more natural it seems to consider the aesthetic properties (in various degrees of importance) of any item I have on my person in any situation. With the proliferation of various finishes on firearms, I suppose there are a number of people who have firearms that might aesthetically complement additional parts of their wardrobe. It is tactically sensible to do so in many situations.

If I'm completely dressed in light colors - say on a humid, hot day, wearing a beige or white or light grey linen shirt and shorts or pants, but open carrying (which offers no tactical advantage) an AR or any primarily black sidearm, rifle or shotgun, it will undoubtedly draw more attention than, say, a Glock 43 in Flat Dark Earth.

Many timepieces are intended to provide and evoke certain elements of sophistication, attention to aesthetic properties, fashion, and 'matching'.

What say you, 'relatively-fancy-pants-watches-and guns-guys-and-gals'? Show some pix of your matching or complementary or particular fashion ensembles, including and focusing on firearms and timepieces!
Added - apologies if this has already occurred significantly in this thread - I must admit I still have only made it through the first 1/3 and last several pages of this one...I'm workin' on it!
Back on topic...I have two pistols, and I am looking at a rifle next. Anybody have thoughts on 6.8mm rifles vs your standard 5.56mm? I'm intrigued with 6.8mm, and it could potentially become more mainstream. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

If you look around the internet a little, you'll find that the 6.5 Creedmoor is becoming very popular. 6.5s are nothing new of course, but the Creedmoor virtues are specifically for semi auto operation, as well as bolt. Great velocity, low drag, low recoil. Something to look at.
I enjoy most aspects of most firearms, in some way. When considering new-to-me calibers, I consider magazines, cost of ammo, other items that must be added, from my perspective. I consider it 'basic' to have 15 magazines per (mag-fed) firearm, plus all the implements for cleaning, and for ARs, an extra complete bolt - and typical trigger parts, etc. I have also had periods where I had more time off the range with firearms than on the range, so inexpensive customizing that I can do at home has been a consideration.

Regarding specifically 6.8 Creedmoor (I think, is the round designation?), it seems to have some popularity. I would be shocked if it replaced 5.56x45, however - there are many reasons that round is as wide-spread as it is - easy to come by in many configurations of power, bullet style, case, tip, etc., at just about any place you can find rifle ammo. I also consider what I might end up with, if I am in a situation where I am carrying firearms and not able to just go down to the local multi-purpose or Hardware or Sporting Goods store and buy as much ammo as I want - am I likely to find another person who might part with some ammo? If I'm carrying a .410 shotgun, .22 Magnum rifle, .380 auto pistol, and a 6.8 Creedmoor rifle, I don't expect much chance of bartering for anything useful. If I have a .22lr rifle, 9mm or .45 ACP pistol, and a 5.56x45 rifle, I feel much more likely to come into a situation where I might be able to find something useful.

Aside from that perspective, I don't always limit to what I consider 'popular' or common. Sometimes I just want something and figure out a way to get it and appreciate it for it's unique or less common properties. Have you had trigger time with the round? Have you ever built or assembled any parts of an AR (though 6.8 Creedmoor is not necessarily AR platform)? It is super fun, a great skill to develop for any firearms or safety enthusiast, and has been referred to as 'addictive' - so many configurations...I'd recommend spending some time at the range with that round and the 5.56 if can make it happen. Consider your intended purpose for the firearm, and make a pro-con list of both rounds, then make your choice.
If you look around the internet a little, you'll find that the 6.5 Creedmoor is becoming very popular. 6.5s are nothing new of course, but the Creedmoor virtues are specifically for semi auto operation, as well as bolt. Great velocity, low drag, low recoil. Something to look at.
Thanks for the info! My coworkers did mention Creedmoor as well...I'm certainly taking my time on this decision....

@Furioso Thank you for your input. I've been firing on 5.56 for the past 17 years. I've built multiple variations and are familiar with it. However, I've never shot 6.8, and I know that the military is looking at 6.8 for the next generation rifle as its a happy medium between 5.56 & 7.62. Considering that aspect, my thought is in time, 6.8 would decrease in cost...

But, you do bring up very good points. 5.56 is available everywhere...literally. And if the end of the world would be safer to have a 5.56 to carry. 😀 I really appreciate the feedback and insight!
I don’t belong to any other forum, just wanted to say I’m glad this thread is here. I hope the knowledge and responsibility shared here is more prevalent elsewhere.

That being said, a bit of a rant from me. I’m used to buying range ammo for my 357. I’ve decided to make a revolver(s) my home firearm, the wife is using a Ladysmith too. Holy crap, over a dollar a round for good defense ammo! Craziness.

My point is, this is a watch enthusiast forum. That is what unite us

When we´re discussing politics or religion or ethnicity or sexuality or race or whatever else, things tend to go out of control and create conflict. Weapon is a controversial topic if you ask me. Many bad things has happened recently because of firearms accessible to the public, take the New Zealand terrorist for example. See all the school shootings in the US. See Breivik in Norway.

It´s not that simple as me not reading this thread, because I haven´t, it´s just because it pops up all the time when I press the Latest button

I mean it seriously, pls mods, Trev, and all interested in guns, it´s been 7 years, why can´t you take this discussion to a sub forum or a forum of its own? Seems like it´s enough interest to make that forum going on its own merits

There was little to no conflict in this thread for years, until you came in debating the need for it.