So... any of our members here have an interest in firearms?

Yes, it's an addicting hobby also 😀

Heres a few more of my kids:
What revolver is that? I was trying to get through the whole thread first cant resist. I've been interested in a ruger single 6 or single 9 for years, which is far from a major purchase, but I have concentrated all firearms funds on things we might not be able to get forever...and that I am interested in shooting , of course.
These “vintage” wheel guns are unfortunately making me think I need one again
These “vintage” wheel guns are unfortunately making me think I need one again
Oh, you do.

Mostly I like that my wife or daughter, with very little experience, could point and pull, and even if they missed, the noise would probably thwart all but the bravest or craziest assailants. But at less than 20 ft aiming at center mass, don't kid yourself, a .38 is plenty to stop a human. All the discussion about needing .45 for stopping power. Cmon. A .22 is sufficient to stop anyone not using PCP, and only the criminals on Starsky and Hutch are using that stuff. (Although I sometimes wonder if OF's own Maddog might be partaking when I see his photos.)
I started to shoot competitively at age 10 or so. Bench rest muzzle loaders (NMLRA). Shot air rifle in college (US Naval Academy). Had my FFL for many years then had kids and jobs and lost interest. Now that I'm running a gun optics company (EOTech), I'm back at it and enjoy it again. Also fully equipped the house and trained my wife and kids, so we're all set for the Zombie apocalypse when it happens.
You in Ann Arbor? Lived there a while, a while ago...don't mean to pry if that's not shared info, but I know EoTech used to be there...
I'm a 3gun competitor when not scouring the interwebs for watches:
Is that a shotgun spting in the top of your case,?
Yummy. 10mm is one of my favorites. I had a Delta like yours years ago, now lost to time. This is my current one....Springfield Armory Omega 10mm. They contracted the premier builder in Germany(Peters Stahl) for the slide. Incredible machining, locks like a vault. Heavy but shoots like a dream.

Oh I wife just got me this for my birthday....Glock 40 in 10mm(ain't she somethin?). The press calls it Glockzilla as its the largest pistol Glock makes.

I've had a love/hate affair with Glocks over the years(trigger feels like you're stretching a rubber band). Revolutionary design...Gaston Glock knew nothing about firearms (he made curtain rods) but he was an expert on polymer molding. The absolute beauty of the effort is that he had no preconceptions of how a firearm should "groupthink" or historic cultural limitations on what should or should not be part of a handgun. Historically though, H&K actually designed the first polymer frame handgun in 1969 with the VP70(had one for a while), which operated horribly(trust me), was still heavy(what?), and died quickly.

I like the glock 40 also. So much utility and fun. Gaston Glock had a number of patents and products before the G17 - well, he had 16...IIRC, the first Glock handgun was his 17th patent. Also made toasters, etc.

There are a number if things one can do to significantly improve the stock trigger- shorten reset, reduce pull weight and distance, etc., etc. That's among the best things about Glocks - reliable stock, comparatively inexpensive parts, endless modifications, simple to do.
I'll weigh in....there's an old adage..."the best pistol is the one you have with you"

Out of many pistols, the best carry model for me is this little thing...Keltec 380ACP...13ozs loaded..a true pocket pistol, and in a decent caliber. One in each car and one in a camp box.

My second best option is a Kahr CW9 9mm. Virtually a pocket pistol, like with cargo shorts, otherwise very light and concealable inside the waistband. Better than Glock IMHO as the trigger has far better feel, and slide is narrower.

Third option is a new one, and pure sweetness. Springfield EMP 9mm. This pistol is a wee larger and heavier than the Kahr but its quickly becoming a favorite as I become more familiar with it. The trigger and point of aim is almost telepathic for me. Crazy good accuracy and dead on point of impact. Need more practice to gain 100% confidence, but this one is really really good. Dual springs really soften the recoil for quick follow up.

Nice. I had a kahr (steel frame) mk9, early model - yes, the slide cracked- they replaced it n/c, first pistol I sold, just couldn't hit anything with it. That's my concern with shorter slide 1911s, as well as reliability of function. I know, many concerns unfounded, but I still have them. I'm still the guy that got a lemon Omega AT bnib from an AD. Talk about gun shy...that was my first real watch and it only lasted 4 days! Trying to get my post count up and try again here, though .
That's because you've chemically burned your nose receptors with the Hoppes.🤪 It actually stinks to high heaven. My wife said "Oh hell no" when I first used it, even though I was in the garage. I have to say I see her point. Last time I used it was 20 yrs ago, but not just because of the's because...

...I learned something very valuable from a champion benchrester who had won a long range(1000yd) match I shot in many many years ago. I asked him after the match how he cleans his rifle. He said he didn't. One patch of CLP after the match to protect the bore and chamber and that's it. I asked how many rounds shot so far..he said over 800(BTW...he shot sub 5" on last group to win that day). He was a firm believer that over cleaning not only didn't help accuracy but actually hurt it (heresy!!). He explained that copper build up isn't a problem with a good barrel, and the small amount that does occur is self limiting. Shooting with a consistent small amount of copper and powder fouling was the key. Why remove it and then have to manage the build up during the match and the changes to velocity and POI that go with . Its part of the reason benchresters need to shoot a number of practice rounds before a match, not just to dial in to the target and climate, but to condition the barrel. It was a true revelation for me from that point on. I have proven the same point many many times to others over the years. The reason the whole overcleaning practice existed many years ago was because of the lower quality of the barrels. Its simply not necessary today.

Cleaning has become much easier even in the last 10 yrs w boresnakes, wide availability of clp. Etc, improved materials and storage...
I've got four, all Silencerco items
Osprey .45, two Sparrow .22 cans, and an Omega .30 can

By the time I started on cans, the hope of increased/ simplified access reared up, then I moved to a place where I can't just shoot from my back porch regardless, so it became less of a priority. Was interested in exactly what you listed - 45 (ammo is subsonic already), 22lr, 30. Will get there someday .
That is a really clean looking Ruger Wyo-watch. One of the few guns I regret selling off was a MkII Ruger.
People seem to prefer them over the III's...I have only seen a 3 in a shop, though, don't know why.
Completely new topic to above but wondering if someone might just be able to help me. I picked up an incomplete Benjamin air pistol 177 recently and decided to see if maybe I can get it up and running again. It's a front pump and the pressure seems okay. The trigger lock works and it's all complete except for the firing bolt. Anyone have any idea where I might find this item or even where to look. I am Dublin Ireland based so these items not so easy to find.
The term silencer was used by the inventor and everyone else in the day.
In the UK they used to call engine exhaust mufflers silencers. Same principle.

A truly effective Maxim type silencer with end wipe mounted on a .22 handgun firing .22 short or subsonic long rifle cartridges is so quiet the only sound you'll hear is the action cycling and ejected empties hitting the ground. A Ruger auto pistol in .22 sounds like a cat sneezing.
I've heard the pew sound at times, not from the shot but from gas slowly making its way past the end wipe after the shot. Sometimes if the wipes are still sealing as new its a sizzling sound.

When supersonic ammunition is used the best you can expect is to suppress the muzzle blast.
I don't dispute your reference to terms, but I prefer the term suppressor, as "silencer" convinces those who want to ban all things gun-ish that they are evil tools used to get away with endless murders...not understanding or admitting that mant suppressors in the states are recorded on a form 1 or 4 for individual ownership, and ballistic info is retained, making them more likely to be more quickly traceable to an individual or through a chain of ownership...for all that does.
Completely new topic to above but wondering if someone might just be able to help me. I picked up an incomplete Benjamin air pistol 177 recently and decided to see if maybe I can get it up and running again. It's a front pump and the pressure seems okay. The trigger lock works and it's all complete except for the firing bolt. Anyone have any idea where I might find this item or even where to look. I am Dublin Ireland based so these items not so easy to find.

I am not exactly sure where you could find one. I can pull mine apart though and take photos and measurements of the bolt if you think that would help.
I am not exactly sure where you could find one. I can pull mine apart though and take photos and measurements of the bolt if you think that would help.
Photos of what exactly I am looking for would be great. Just how powerful are these little air guns. The push pressure seems like a bicycle tube type pump. Is it worth repairing I wonder. Any and all assistance would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
Isn´t it about good time to close this thread?

Maybe you guys can start a separate forum for guns?