removing a 'difficult' spring bar from a 20mm lug...

Well, you're the one who suggested vinegar!
And I thought it was brilliant! ๐Ÿ‘ The vinegar would slowly erode the inner spring, releasing the the tension on the bar and allowing it to be easily removed (unless it's the stainless steel bits that are jammed). The only thing is, that might actually take days or weeks, and most of us are not that patient.

That's where the needle nose pliers come into play - to rip that bad boy out. Wire cutters will work too, as has been suggested.

Just because a quest is meaningless doesn't mean I might not be helpful to the person having the meaningless quest. Don't forget, he wanted to save that antique when he should have tossed it semi-immediately. He also didn't realize that the spring bars inside the bracelet clasp are not the same as what holds a strap to a watch.