Rational vs. irrational watch collecting…

Rational: you see a watch you like, research it a bit, price compare, pull the trigger if it makes sense. You may learn about a particular company, like the history of their sport watches, tool watches, or both, and set out to collect each type that appeals to you.

Irrational: you buy a particular watch you fancy, see one almost identical to the first except for some minor detail that convinces you another purchase makes sense, you buy the watch, and do it again down the road because each time you see an example of it, you feel like you need another even though you already have multiples of nearly the same thing.

What about you? Which type of collector are you…or both? Which gives you more joy, is more fun? What would be an example of a completely irrational purchase you made that you were completely happy with?

(Not mine, but an example)

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I dont think rational watch collecting exists, either you have a watch or you are a collector.

I have two watches, ehh ok five watches and I consider my self rather rational.
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Well, I started out being rational...but the collection got irrational quite quickly ::facepalm2::
black hole.jpg
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I started with a Relide (bottom right), then the Seamaster, which also had Arabic numerals a 3, 6, 9 & 12. For a while I thought it might be fun to pursue watches that had Arabic numerals at 2, 4, 8 & 10, or at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12, and one with Arabic all around, and other variations thereof. That kind of seems rational, at least thematic. Then, when looking for a 6 watch watch box, I found a 12 watch box for about the same price (rational?). Then I had all this yawning space to fill in that box. And as we know, a watch box abhors a vacuum (rational, maybe delusional, I’m slipping here). Then, well, the rest of these strays followed me home.


Then I discovered pocket watches…Much easier for me to be rational there. After starting with a noob’s excited shotgun approach to collecting, I’ve settled on railroaders with a sub-fondness for white gold over yellow gold. This paints me as a very rational person :whistling:
Like 9
Well, I started out being rational...but the collection got irrational quite quickly ::facepalm2::
black hole.jpg

Seems like your aiming for one watch for every time zone, and there’s nothing wrong with that
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When I am not hitting command-R to look for the next "project" I fiddle with the dozens I do have. With more on the way. Spent the day sorting wheels. On the off chance I misplaced a Venus 206 third wheel. The only one I can find is in Australia.

Instead of finishing the assembly of watches I do have, I keep looking at the tracking for the missing parts. Then when the parts arrive I set them with the watch and look for the next one.

Was hoping for a rusty 861. Have to settle for the Valjoux instead. Nothing at all rational in this. Why do Lemania chronos or parts never show up in the odd lot assortments? Jalousie, envy and whatnot. Completely irrational.

Took this picture Saturday with a mind to post it. A third set of some Val-23 parts I was going to title "consolation prize." ot burry it in the addicted to ebay thread, or one of the rat watch rabbit warren threads.

No tick tock parts, so I went through the drawer looking at the other Val-23 and the Val-72 I have had forever. Found the Venus 206 and started playing with that only to find the third wheel is missing.

Meanwhile I am still waiting for the "mystery lot" of "Omega" plates to arrive. I then re read Henry B Fried's book on hairspring straightening so had to get the smallest needle in the crafts store. I really need to fix my lathe (I may have 5) and see if I can pivot some of the wheels I do have. Craft store had more lip balm containers what parts have been arriving in. Now the wheels are sorted by type and there are dozens of wheels from who knows what. Really need that AI vision program to match them to the bestfit outlines.

Of course more missing Val-23 parts get ordered so another week to wait.

Then there is the strap making from used pipe organ parts, which is a different thread I have not yet started. These ratwatches need straps.

This then begs the question, do I get buckles or third wheels next?
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Sounds like you need a month of rain and a postal strike before you’ll get close to making a dent in your to do list :D
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Rational: you see a watch you like, research it a bit, price compare, pull the trigger if it makes sense. You may learn about a particular company, like the history of their sport watches, tool watches, or both, and set out to collect each type that appeals to you.

Irrational: you buy a particular watch you fancy, see one almost identical to the first except for some minor detail that convinces you another purchase makes sense, you buy the watch, and do it again down the road because each time you see an example of it, you feel like you need another even though you already have multiples of nearly the same thing.

What about you? Which type of collector are you…or both? Which gives you more joy, is more fun? What would be an example of a completely irrational purchase you made that you were completely happy with?

(Not mine, but an example)


I fear not the man who owns 100 watches, but the man who owns 100 variations of the same watch.

-Bruce Lee
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Segal's Law: "A man with one watch knows what time it is, and a man with two watches could never be sure."
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Rational: you see a watch you like, research it a bit, price compare, pull the trigger if it makes sense. You may learn about a particular company, like the history of their sport watches, tool watches, or both, and set out to collect each type that appeals to you.

Irrational: you buy a particular watch you fancy, see one almost identical to the first except for some minor detail that convinces you another purchase makes sense, you buy the watch, and do it again down the road because each time you see an example of it, you feel like you need another even though you already have multiples of nearly the same thing.

What about you? Which type of collector are you…or both? Which gives you more joy, is more fun? What would be an example of a completely irrational purchase you made that you were completely happy with?

(Not mine, but an example)

Hot Water is long time discoverd
I make rational purchases irrationally :whistling:
Like 8
The word "rational" has no business in any sentence that contains the phrase "watch collecting"
The word "irrational" is utterly redundant in any sentence that contains the phrase "watch collecting"... as to include the word would imply that there are other kinds of watch collecting that might not be irrational!
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Each of my watches is unique and not like the others in my collection. Therefore rational. I presently have 19 unique watches. Therefore irrational.
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I have one watch to rule them all that I wear everyday, rational.

I have 8 other watches I wear hardly ever, irrational. But they are nice and I might change over to one of them one day (except the ones that were totally irrational buys which seemed a good idea at the time, what the hell are they doing there?).
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All of these replies look a bit rational to me, we watch collectors seem a level headed bunch.

I no longer question how many empty slots I have in my 24 slot watch box or how many variations of the same watch I have.

I thought for a while that it might be irrational to worry about having 10 24 slot watch boxes but I got over that quickly with a bit of rationalisation and that now is but a dim but fond memory of when I was a less serious collector.

Hmmm then there are Pocket watches too.

I know you are all with me on this........right?
Like 8
I have one watch to rule them all that I wear everyday, rational.

I have 8 other watches I wear hardly ever, irrational. But they are nice and I might change over to one of them one day (except the ones that were totally irrational buys which seemed a good idea at the time, what the hell are they doing there?).
Be happy wore Ed White
Like 3
This is me!

Finding a watch for sale, often with an auction house.
Study, study, study and study.
Spreadsheets and comparing.
Valuation, possible misjudgments with the value.
Do you like the Watchometer scale!
Making a MasterPlan!

All of the above, and going full throttle and to forget everything....
Thinking that it is very important to have another watch!
Arguing with my wife that it is the end of the world if I can't have the watch!
Just one more Speedy……

The conclusion?

I am a Happy Hoarding Swede with some nice watches, and with a Bitchy wife!
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