I have seen all of the archives and also met with Mr Sala. I have also seen all of the source information on which the above logo and serial number information is based.
Since chronographs aren't really my thing, I will leave you to it.
You quote that 87.5% of 885105's are pulsation bezel while only There are 7 unknowns of which 5 (although unknown next to serial) are thought to be 8851105 and your conclusions that make it fact is based on that ?
That is hardly a meaningful statistic to go on considering the unknowns and the sample size ... however, just recalculating percentages as to properly portray stats ...
There are 13 pulsation ninas listed :
Out of the 13
- 3 are known 885103/02 which is 23% sample
- 7 are known 885105/02 which is 57% of sample (although 4 of the serials that cannot be confirmed)
- 3 are unknown reference which is 23% of sample
There are clearly too few samples to come to any firm fact !