·I do not get the point.
You change as many titles as you like as often as you like. It’s totally transparent to all other forum users.
PITA is when several listings are bumped as they get at the top of the section all together and appear in the general new posts section of the forums. The seller who wants to bump several listings a day can always post in the private section, there’s no daily posts/bumps limitations in there.
I do respect that 1-listing-post-bump-per-day rule and like it. Don’t get me wrong. But I don’t see why it should affect the title change. Then you should also forbid editing more than 1 post a day - it’s transparent for the others, why bother?
The rule that @Dan S had highlighted does not concern title change, it concerns those post stating "OHPF!", "Sold to a great guy!" or something similar which bumps the thread. Apparently that's allowed...
Btw, I am sure you mean the (Not Private) Sales Subforum when mentioning bump limitations, right?