Posts 1,677 Likes 26,891 Andsan ·Mar 21, 2014 It is really nice, it also has a date that "suits" me. /Anders
Posts 7,723 Likes 26,821 Tony C. ·Mar 22, 2014·Ωf Jury member Used to own this one, and probably shouldn't have sold it.
Posts 662 Likes 469 MacRulez4Ever ·Mar 29, 2014 Here is mine, one owner before me. Complete original except the strap 😉
Posts 1,818 Likes 7,207 CdnWatchDoc ·Mar 31, 2014 Here is one of LouS' "cast-offs"...lucky I was able to snag it. Sorry for the quality of the pic (cell phone...)
Posts 221 Likes 161 alvaropinto ·Jun 20, 2014 ...about the second one(the dial), do you think that a rodico cleaning would help?
Posts 6,713 Likes 18,566 LouS ·Jun 22, 2014·Mrs Nataf's Other Son Brilliant! An older schwarm coming up on your six