Phillips auction Speedmaster - a 3.000.000-fake?

Why in some watches writing Omega Tifanny and Co?
Because that was added to the dial before the watches were sold by Tiffany. Just like Bucherer did, and others.
Why in some watches writing Omega Tifanny and Co?

What is this!

You've insulted me enough here, but I don't have to explain my life to anyone!
No. I actually don't think anyone has insulted you at all yet. Keep at it though in the same vein and I am sure we can rustle something up.
Why in some watches writing Omega Tifanny and Co?

What is this!

You've insulted me enough here, but I don't have to explain my life to anyone!
I can’t follow what you’re trying to say here, I understand English is your second language but this is not making very much sense.
Lets get back to the real 3 million dollar baby:

This morning the Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote that Nick Hayek is less than amused because the district attorney tried to get rid of the prosecution and tried to have it transferred to the prosecution of commercial fraud who apparently did not want to take it.
In the end the attorney general of the canton of Bern had to decide and ordered the local prosecutors office of Berner Jura-Seeland (responsible for Biel/Bienne seat of Omega and the museum) to handle the case. All this took more than a year!
House searches were done though, and according to Neue Zürcher Zeitung more parts and supposedly some 300 watches and watchparts were found which supposedly indicates that the 3 million dollar Speedmaster wasn't the only "special" one. The total financial prejudice being some 5.7 millions Swiss francs.
According to NZZ the two external (non ex-Omega employed) inculpated persons happily continue dealing with vintage watches.
In the article Nick Hayek is quoted as being shocked that the Attorney General had to decide in a relatively simple case and that this does not give proof of a very interested and motivated authority (the district attorney)

For those who have payed for the paywall or know how to access it:

To be continued.
In the end, no one will be responsible because there are no vintage parts in the watch other than the Omega 321 that can be changed and manipulated infinitely in all directions, of course, according to the extract, if he is honest, he can separate which model the cal 321 is installed in, only discoloration on the bridge and other parts can indicate manipulation, the rest is very difficult, the number is the same, everyone and every human being has traces of aging individually and each is for himself
So quite the ongoing scam then....
and the auction house has a hand in everything, what kind of experts are they if they didn't know and did the preparation, checking, survey of the market, there are not 2915 chocolates on sale every day, for now they got away with it, Aurel needs to be caught, horrible mess, everyone self-proclaimed experts, now the court needs to take the chestnuts out of the fire
na kraju neće niko odgovarat jer nema osim Omaga 321 vintage dijelova u satu

in the end, no one will answer because there are no vintage parts in the watch apart from Omago 321

i Aukciska kuća ima prste u svemu kakvi su to experti da nisu znali i obavili pripremu ,provjeru ,pregled tržišta nema svaki dan 2915 čoko na prodaji ,za sad su se izvukli ,Aurel treba po prstima dobiti,strašna bruka sve samozvani experti,sad sud treba da vadi kestenje iz vatre

and the auction house has a hand in everything, what kind of experts are they if they didn't know and did the preparation, check, market review, there is no 2915 choco on sale every day, for now they got away with it, Aurel needs to be caught by the fingers, a terrible mess, all self-proclaimed experts, now the court he should take the chestnuts out of the fire

To @bassam abadan, this is an English language forum. Very few of us understand Croatian. While I used Google Translate to convert your comments, I’m sure there is something missing here.

Your comments are valid and valued, but are of no use if we can’t understand them.
na kraju nitko neće odgovoriti jer u satu nema vintage dijelova osim Omago 321

i aukcijska kuća ima prste u svemu, kakvi su to stručnjaci ako nisu znali i obavili pripremu, provjeru, pregled tržišta, nema 2915 čokolade u prodaji svaki dan, za sada su se izvukli s tim, Aurela treba uhvatiti za prste, užasan nered, svi samoproglašeni stručnjaci, sada bi dvor trebao izvaditi kestene iz vatre

Za @bassam abadan, ovo je forum na engleskom jeziku. Vrlo malo nas razumije hrvatski. Iako sam koristio Google Translate za pretvaranje vaših komentara, siguran sam da ovdje nešto nedostaje.

Vaši komentari su valjani i cijenjeni, ali nisu od koristi ako ih ne možemo razumjeti.
and the auction house has a hand in everything, what kind of experts are they if they didn't know and did the preparation, checking, survey of the market, there are not 2915 chocolates on sale every day, for now they got away with it, Aurel needs to be caught, horrible mess, everyone self-proclaimed experts, now the court needs to take the chestnuts out of the fire
Aurel needs to be caught, horrible mess, everyone self-proclaimed experts, now the court needs to take the chestnuts out of the fire
I wouldn’t count on it happening.

There are too many very wealthy and politically connected people involved to allow the real truth to be revealed in this case. I believe that this sort of thing has been going on for many years. The Omega people who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar will eventually pay some sort of a penalty (either in money or jail time), but the money people will walk away.

Switzerland is no better or worse than any other Western country when it comes to corruption.
I wouldn’t count on it happening.

There are too many very wealthy and politically connected people involved to allow the real truth to be revealed in this case. I believe that this sort of thing has been going on for many years. The Omega people who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar will eventually pay some sort of a penalty (either in money or jail time), but the money people will walk away.

Switzerland is no better or worse than any other Western country when it comes to corruption.
correct ni did
Unfortunately, the public prosecutor's office in Switzerland is not completely independent. (As in USA or France e.g.)
Does anyone have informations regarding this context / case ?
not completely independent.
As far as I know they are. What gives you the impression that they aren't?
The problem in this case, as far as I understand it, is that probably the local prosecutors may have had doubts about their know-how in a case like this and would have preferred the guys with the commercial knowledge to handle it. And the commercial guys on their side may not only have thought it was below their dignity to handle such a clear and simple case (only 7 folders of 200/300 pages each according to NZZ) but may also have argued that the commercial court is not competent in a case like this.

Edit: Switzerland is a small country. Berner Jura-Seeland is a small district maybe 250'000 inhabitants.
So if by not independent you mean that they (the district attorney people) might be near to the culprits or the demander, well yes that is not impossible.
On the other hand, they have a permanent employment and don't have to worry about being reelected after a few years so they don't need to be concerned about losing their jobs if they tread on someones toes. Their only risk might be that if they decide to move on, that Swatch Group won't take them as legal counsel 😉
Just to make sure I have this right:

(1.) Some dudes had a 2915, but it was missing some parts
(2.) The head of the Biel Omega museum + some other employees stole some parts from the museum's collection
(3.) The dudes put the franken-watch up for auction
(4.) The Omega Museum head convinces Swatch Group to buy the franken-watch for a ridiculous price to, presumably, split the profits
(5.) Franken-watch is revealed to be fraudulent

I was at the museum a few weeks ago and snapped this pic, which isn't the 2915s, but still the thought of someone opening the case and stealing components is pretty angering, especially if it's the head of the museum.

There does seem to be a sort of irony here that a person like myself can source parts from eBay and use something like a fiber laser to make a few missing springs or levers.

So where is the gray area. Drawings for say a SM300 case are available and could be made with a CNC machine. This seems to be done in south east Asia or somewhere similar. The irksome thing is these parts are sold to to prices and pretend to be what they are not. It is one thing to stick an NH35 movement into a case a 565 is not all that different.

Of course we are comparing apple and oranges here. Seamasters are not Speedmaster. Speedmaster parts to not seem to show up in odd job lots or estate sales. When they do, there are a lot of people looking for them.

In some ways it feels unfair in this day and age of corporate control even of dreams. Where fairy tales and myths are copyrighted and trademarked. I watch a TV show or film, dream about it, should I pay for the rights to do so? That people can not take and improve things. I remember in the Baud Brothers museum, they had a display wing of botch repair jobs by semi competent folk. Yet this is more art than craft. Nothing Tolken wrote was new. Same for JK Rowling. These ideas are all part of the eternal story. Even Joseph Campell is not new. Robert Graves wrote much the same things in the White Goddess.

As noted these things are done on machines using statistically graded parts. How they are used and stored determines the patinas and such.

I suppose much depends on the motivation. Some counterfeiters do it on the cheap. Others like Von Meergan, Do it because they are told they are not good enough for commercial craft work. Or they want to screw over the person they feel that is screwing them. Much probably comes down to the time and effort of the situation. Converting objects into script or fiat currency on the short term may seem desirable at the time.

Will be interesting how this case pans out. Stealing parts seem an odd thing, but museums often have a lot of items in the collection what can not be easy shifted. Strings attached and such. So if it is an off part in storage, then what. Not exactly sure what the point here was other than Cost of living can be high in places like the SF bay area, and Switzerland. I stayed in an airBNB in 2022, they also had a place that made fabric items, purses or bags. So perhaps they need what ever they can. The taxes are high, but the state subsides a lot. Not sure how their medical works.

Granted an art project made out of museum spares is not as interesting as the Vermeer what fills in the blank of of a painting that should exist but does not. There are a few who do seem to desire to have something that no one else can have. Not sure where this comes from. I tend more to the schadenfreude that if I am happy then others must be happy too. Karma works all ways. As does luck. So many mistake luck for skill that it leads to a bit of unhappiness.

The thing is that if Omega did make the spares as in the Watcho days, then there would be people who like to for what ever reason assemble watches from the components. In a lot of ways this is what lego teaches us. When I was little lego had a few suggestions. Now they have trademarked designs and stuff that is supposed to be assembled to match the photo on the box.

I can also remember when Mr Potato head did not include the potato. So one could put the part anywhere and not just in the pre drilled holes.

Perhaps this is a cry for help, where creativity is stifled. Still it would be fun if Omega did make a Do it yourself watch kit. Let the robots make all the parts, and the high end consumer assemble them into something to their own personal taste. There may even be those who would pay a premium for such. As long as there is the illusion of saving something or getting a deal, because they never add up how many 25 or 35 dollar parts there are in the watch. It is a lot like purchases on the installment plan.
What about all the (300?) missing prototypes from the museum?
Any information on that?
There does seem to be a sort of irony here that a person like myself can source parts from eBay and use something like a fiber laser to make a few missing springs or levers.

So where is the gray area. Drawings for say a SM300 case are available and could be made with a CNC machine. This seems to be done in south east Asia or somewhere similar. The irksome thing is these parts are sold to to prices and pretend to be what they are not. It is one thing to stick an NH35 movement into a case a 565 is not all that different.

Of course we are comparing apple and oranges here. Seamasters are not Speedmaster. Speedmaster parts to not seem to show up in odd job lots or estate sales. When they do, there are a lot of people looking for them.

In some ways it feels unfair in this day and age of corporate control even of dreams. Where fairy tales and myths are copyrighted and trademarked. I watch a TV show or film, dream about it, should I pay for the rights to do so? That people can not take and improve things. I remember in the Baud Brothers museum, they had a display wing of botch repair jobs by semi competent folk. Yet this is more art than craft. Nothing Tolken wrote was new. Same for JK Rowling. These ideas are all part of the eternal story. Even Joseph Campell is not new. Robert Graves wrote much the same things in the White Goddess.

As noted these things are done on machines using statistically graded parts. How they are used and stored determines the patinas and such.

I suppose much depends on the motivation. Some counterfeiters do it on the cheap. Others like Von Meergan, Do it because they are told they are not good enough for commercial craft work. Or they want to screw over the person they feel that is screwing them. Much probably comes down to the time and effort of the situation. Converting objects into script or fiat currency on the short term may seem desirable at the time.

Will be interesting how this case pans out. Stealing parts seem an odd thing, but museums often have a lot of items in the collection what can not be easy shifted. Strings attached and such. So if it is an off part in storage, then what. Not exactly sure what the point here was other than Cost of living can be high in places like the SF bay area, and Switzerland. I stayed in an airBNB in 2022, they also had a place that made fabric items, purses or bags. So perhaps they need what ever they can. The taxes are high, but the state subsides a lot. Not sure how their medical works.

Granted an art project made out of museum spares is not as interesting as the Vermeer what fills in the blank of of a painting that should exist but does not. There are a few who do seem to desire to have something that no one else can have. Not sure where this comes from. I tend more to the schadenfreude that if I am happy then others must be happy too. Karma works all ways. As does luck. So many mistake luck for skill that it leads to a bit of unhappiness.

The thing is that if Omega did make the spares as in the Watcho days, then there would be people who like to for what ever reason assemble watches from the components. In a lot of ways this is what lego teaches us. When I was little lego had a few suggestions. Now they have trademarked designs and stuff that is supposed to be assembled to match the photo on the box.

I can also remember when Mr Potato head did not include the potato. So one could put the part anywhere and not just in the pre drilled holes.

Perhaps this is a cry for help, where creativity is stifled. Still it would be fun if Omega did make a Do it yourself watch kit. Let the robots make all the parts, and the high end consumer assemble them into something to their own personal taste. There may even be those who would pay a premium for such. As long as there is the illusion of saving something or getting a deal, because they never add up how many 25 or 35 dollar parts there are in the watch. It is a lot like purchases on the installment plan.
This has been done with the kit car business, where components were supplied to people to assemble themselves a car, and build it to suit their tastes/needs.
The problems for the manufacturer are there is no quality control of the end product, some people get their ambitions mixed up with their abilities, which leaves the manufacturer with reputation problems.
You just have to look at flat packed furniture to see how many people bugger up assembling something quite simple and straight forward, Imagine the cockup weekend warrior handymen would make of a watch!
I have seen assemble yourself watch kits, but I have no idea how many ever get finished or how good the end result is.

It all comes down to there being two kinds of people, those with mechanical aptitude and those with mechanical ineptitude! It would seem the latter outnumber the former by a large margin.

For a manufacturer like Omega who rely upon their reputation for quality a kit would be way too risky, they have enough problems with the damage to their ethical reputation for this whole museum debacle.
As far as I know they are. What gives you the impression that they aren't?

So if by not independent you mean that they (the district attorney people) might be near to the culprits or the demander, well yes that is not impossible.
On the other hand, they have a permanent employment and don't have to worry about being reelected after a few years so they don't need to be concerned about losing their jobs if they tread on someones toes. Their only risk might be that if they decide to move on, that Swatch Group won't take them as legal counsel 😉
I meant that in Germany, for example, public prosecutors are usually bound by instructions - by ministries.