·The best thing you can do is to read Desmond's article: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:4AKMcetEasEJ: desmond guilfoyle omega&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjJAE5BAvjrap-TfrxEarnxPmJeaEKDn44LLgH-rnd1Jp8M01Af0IMCC4ffrtCyBNhmFHrJd-qEqdbe0F4uSHE3XJEfe89uqKg01XQX3PFicLudhAPbkAlBfaBxvsgSAhm2UMv3&sig=AHIEtbQS2CjSemhzUG1v1QmsOXuh3h9YBQ
There are a lot of subtle pointers. The immediately obvious one on the one I posted is that the lettering is too thick - then you start to look at the details of the lettering.
I recently received the watch to look at it more closely.
Here are some pictures (best I could get with 35mm dslr.