Omega De Ville Dynamic, need for help.

Watch specs:
- Omega De Ville Dynamic Automatic
- Ref 166144 (166.0144)
- Caliber 1022
- Gold plated
- Finnish calendar

In this De Ville Dynamic the De Ville logo on the backside of watch case is stamped upside down compared to watch dial or inside of the case?

Some questions about watch:
Is this rare manufacturing defect?
Does this defect make watch more collectible?
How rare is this model in general and with this defect?
Any price estimation?
Not a defect. The caseback do not align to the top of a watch. Check sold prices on eBay for a value. This is not a solid gold watch.
If suspect if you think it is like an upside down plane on a US postage stamp, you will be sadly mistaken. I do not have a feel for value, but you can search Google, eBay,, etc. for 166.144. In general gold plated watches do not fetch a premium over stainless steel, and may in fact fetch less. And the engraving will also put off some potential purchasers.

I would also suggest having it cleaned, as it is pretty 'cheesy'.
Thank you for the comments.

I know it is not a solid gold watch, but it still feels very confusing, that logo on the backside is upsidedown as you can see on the earlier pictures. In other De Ville Dynamics, that I know, logo is allingned with the top of the watch (see new pictures).

I have been told that at this time (70´s) watch was manually put to the machine that stamped the logo. Maybe this one was not placed correctly and logo appeared to be upsidedown, which makes this quality control issue. Or maybe watch cases were put to press randomly, which doesnt make sense, if you think high quality that Omega presents.

By the way any idea of how many of these have been made?

P.S. I dont like the engraving either, but before cleaning, I want to find out why logo is upsidedown 😀